What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Late night Vatsim flight from LIRF to LIMF with wonderful ATC from vACC Italy. I got GSX as gift few days ago - I really like it! Also it was raining at Torino :heart: Perfect ending for Saturday.


Rainy approach in Panama. I’m not sure if the 414 uses custom audio for rain, but it sure sounds impressive.


Flew the Tecnam p2006t from Rockingham NC to Wilmington NC on my short NC tour


I had a truly great day of flying on my XBox X which I bought not long ago in the hopes of getting me through the next several years. My PC is getting old and trying to get such things as ‘ray tracing’ seemed out of reach otherwise. I had figured out how to reassign basic controls so I could fly without the dot (let the reader understand) and then, after getting the XBox, I discovered that much like my PC, it runs much better if turn traffic off and Im used to it so I lost nothing really.
In addition, it turns out my monitor that was advertised as a 1440p monitor can actually do 4K at 60Hz so Im using that and it has no problem with running at 12 bit color depth – when and if FS ever goes that far. But the icing on the cake was when I discovered today that I could use the Color Filters to lessen the amount of yellow in the sky and clouds and make things more blue…and it looks freakin amazing! (for the most part – clouds still need work but they are really getting better I think) … and I encountered lightning and thunder in the KMEM area… first time in two years I think.


Flew from Wilmington NC to Kitty Hawk NC in the Tecnam P2006T following the inner coastal waterway


Barely got time today to fly, but I managed o squeeze in a short flight from Ponta Delgada - João Paulo II (LPPD) to Santa Maria (LPAZ) in the HondaJet:

I’m not sure if this region got some world update love or not, but both airports and islands looked really cool. I did not record the whole flight, but here is the landing:

I managed to put her down really gently, though far far from the centerline.


For those that are looking for flight inspiration, like me, you could do what I did yesterday.
I just asked Chat GPT if he knew a nice GA flight for me, something that could be done in about 15 minutes, in a Cessna 152, in northern California.
And he did. A nice tour of the bay starting in San Carlos, with the Golden Gate and Alcatraz as the highlights. Exactly what was asked, and explained really well.


Took little brother (Islander) to meet big brother (Trislander) to Duxford, a fantastic scenary by ChicoMick that you can get for free:
EGSU Duxford Airfield COMPLETE EDITION for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS


Leg 19 around Pacific in DC-3. Still in Japan from Osaka to Tokyo: RJBB :airplane: RJTT
I looked forward to this part. Passing by mighty Mt Fuji. It is spectacular. I had about 20kn tailwind :slight_smile:
I made my custom checklists sheet for DC-3, because yesterday I didn’t notice (didn’t check), I had flaps down on take-off. Until now, I used the checklist in manual that came with MSFS DC-3.


This morning we took the Lionheart Viking for a flight out of Wycombe.

Descent into Duxford.


Flew the 787 from Frankfurt to Amsterdam and then did some sightseeing in Amsterdam, in the bell 407.



While there was a famous ICON A5 crash from a high rate turn, ICON has an instructional youtube on performing the “End of a canyon escape turn”: “Full Throttle, Pitch Up, Bank, Pull to ride the horn”

Today I set out from my home base KLNA Lantana (where a student and instructor died a day ago :cry:) to find a very tiny strip on the edge of the everglades, 7FD6 Loxahatchee. It is supposed to be asphalt running 13/31 (MSFS) or turf running 12/30 (airnav).

The canyon turns went better than expected, I could turn a tight 180 without losing altitude with “riding the horn”. The youtube didn’t talk about what to do with the rudder and since the ICON A5 doesn’t have a turn coordinator, I didn’t touch the pedals - it worked somehow.

It turns out the official Lat/Lon of the Loxahatchee airport is not the actual strip location and it is more dirt than turf in real life.

Not knowing this, and the fact MSFS puts so many trees that hide the MSFS strip from my chosen approach, I did 10 minutes looping around the “official” airport location on the Garmin GTN 510 in the ICON A5 before deciding how to land on the MSFS asphalt strip.


Trees at end of runway and on north side prevent spotting it


I learned how to create an airport with a helipad, now I’m going to have to learn how do airports with short dirty turf strips.


Flew the Tecnam P2006T from Kitty Hawk to Raleigh NC


Heading back to the base after reconnaissance over the Sundarbans, Bangladesh


Last flight of the day ends in style


after last nights community warbird event over at Wake Island, i decided to return home to blighty and engage in some moving carrier landing practice. Flying Iron Hellcat landing on Miltech Moving carrier - YouTube
And id just like to say a huge thanks to those pilots who joined us last night, some exceptional dogfighting skills especially by @Zeanuck who bagged him self a very tough 2nd place overall. I sincerely hope he will join us again when we progress up to some jet powered war machines.


Flew from Munich (EDDM) to Ljubljana (LJLJ) in Fenix.


Flew from Raleigh to Wilkes CO North Wilkesboro in the Tecnam P2006T


Had a panoramic flight by Gibraltar (LXGB) on a Savage Cub and tested a new weather preset. It was a short flight, only 21 minutes, with a very, very short take-off (I had not fully centered the elevator trim). It’s a beautiful place, with an impressive massif just south of the airport, and I doubt that there is something like a left pattern for runway 27, which the air traffic control asked me to do. :man_shrugging:

I’ll try to improve my drone camera capabilities after that and make a scenic video from this. The flight was saved for replay, but the images below were taken on real time.

It’s a very beautiful place, indeed.

Tried a 2-layer preset (cirrus floccus + cumulus mediocris) by bluesky123.

The highest place in my route. Had to climb to 800ft. :upside_down_face:

I like those pylons by mamudesign.

Gibraltar from the other side of the bay.

A nice day to fly at a beautiful place.

Say hello to Africa!

That’s an impressive rock!

Very short take-off!

Flight path.


Took a Darkstar flight from CYOW to DAAT, across the Atlantic:

Take off from @RomanDesign CYOW:

Cruising at 150000 ft:

African coast in sight:

Time to line up runway 8, only 780 NM to go:

On approach:

The hosts:

Made it before dinner…