What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 2)

Destin Florida to Charlotte NC in the Latin a319


An old favourite of mine. Lukla to Tribhuvan.


Unfortunately, I don’t have it in one file. I am relatively new to Flight Simulator, so these are things that I didn’t think about when I started. That said, I do have a list of the airports, as I am keeping details of the trip in an Excel sheet:

KSAC-KSBP-KSAN-MMLP-MMGL-MMMX-MMAA-MMIT-MGGT-MROC-MPTO-SKRG-SKCO-SEGU-SPJC-SPQU-SLCB-SASO-SABE-SBPA-And today I will likely head to SBFL. From there, I have starting to lean towards the Caribbean, then the US and Canada east coast, then Greenland and down into Europe.

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Yeah I bet Monico would look Gorgeous with photogrammetry!

Not from what I’ve seen over the years. I used it once and it’s good from a departing airliner, but not a helo. SamScene should have a go at it.

Past few days I’ve been on this back to basics, full IFR short flights with minimal modern electronics/steam aircraft. Pull the charts, plot it out on paper and use some maps, etc. Figured I’d fly in some messy gusty soup and come out on the GS perfectly at <800’ to a picture perfect landing without the magenta highway and lots of puddles. 5 out of 5 times now after a 45 minute wall of gray the weather breaks within 3-4 miles of the airport into a magic bubble of PERFECT VFR conditions, with a little rainbow to kind of rub it in, not even a puddle. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Guess I’m going to make it ugly and fly some ~20mi circuit back to the ILS intercept.


Comanche 250 from Augusta, ME to Halifax Nova Scotia. A longer hop which I don’t often do, but very enjoyable!

Climbing out over Augusta.

A nice alternative airport, but fortunately did not need it!

Pretty much just this for a while. Very relaxing, especially with a nicely functioning airplane to carry you over the vast drink below.

Landfall at last! Hello Canada!

Halifax is just amazing! So crisp and nice, I think I may need a closer look via some form of rotorcraft.

Turning base at the “Not An Airport” airport, which so convincingly looked like an airport from the air. I was soon to find that it’s “Not An Airport” for a reason.

I am committed at this point, looks OK from here! Nice approach too.

NOOOOO!!! Ouch ouch ouch!!! Make it stop.

I did make it stop and with no apparent damage either! YAY! Here we are on the ground at “Not An Airport” in Halifax. I shall have to select a different airport for my departure to London in the Darkstar. But first some much-needed helicoptering.


What a day, what a day.

Earlier today I saw that the weekly flight was posted, so I thought I would do that and right now I’m thanking my lucky stars that I did just that. The flight went off without a hitch, I had a few minor screen glitches but I’ve had them before and I contribute them to the game itself just the odd glitch of a white line popping up it was very brief and I only ever have saw it while flying none of my other games had this problem which is why I figured it was this game.

I modified my route for the weekly flight instead of flying over airports I found I could do a similar flight path, but I could fly over some castles so I thought I would do that for something cool to look at since I fly solo for the weekly flights.

I landed without issue and I exited everything without issue, that was around 6pm when I did everything, around 10 I thought about doing some more flying. So I turned on the TV then the Xbox, but the weird thing was the TV stayed black it looked like the background lit up but not the foreground. I shut it down thinking it was a glitch and maybe the Xbox froze this time I paid attention to things and it’s not the Xbox as I heard the initial chime that gets played when things are getting booted up. Turns out my TV died on me.

So I have been grounded, judging by the microsoft app store my PC should run MSFS as all the boxes in the app store are checked green. It will just take substantial amount of time for me to download the app and all the in game content.


Still on American Airlines destination list, doing every Charlotte NC route, Charlotte to Detroit Metro in the a319


Flying around the north and west end of Kaua’i and taking a side trip to Ni’ihau


Today, further up the coast of Brazil, landing at a small island airport, SBFL. Well, small compared to what I have seen at home: it is called an international airport, but it has about 10 parking spaces total. Most of the flight was VFR, exploring some of the beautiful beaches Brazil has to offer. The approach and landing was completely VFR and by hand, which was fun and a bit of a challenge since I was landing into the setting sun with a bit of a crosswind.

The city of Florianopolis itself looks to have some promising nightlife, so I might stay here a couple of days before continuing north along the coast!


Thank you for that detailed information.

May you encounter tailwinds throughout.

Upwards and onwards!

Flew from Southampton to Jersey in the FSR 500

Great plane, solid integration with Navigraph for those with a subscription.


Went for a fly around Dublin, city looks great in PG as long as you don’t get too close. Dublin airport, which was updated in the World Hub recently, still has lots of issues - wrong runway identifiers, bits of stuff left on the new runway (28R) and Terminal 1 sitting on mound…

You’d struggle to see this on approach…

Floating jetway…

Sinking terminal…

Saw this oddity too on the Thames near London Gateway/Blythe Sands - looks like you could walk across it…


Had an exploratory flight around the northernmost tip of the U.A.E. and discovered some raw and rugged landscapes looking mesmerizing in the twilight – real-weather, real-time.


Ok how are you guys taking screenshots? Since I moved to PC the little XB upload/screenshot buttons on my TB stuff doesn’t function and I can’t find a binding or keyboard shortcut for it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The f12 key is the screenshot shortcut button on the keyboard

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Detroit to Charlotte in the Latin a319

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Escaping a nuclear blast, apparently.

Much clearer up front.


A shorth Southwest flight from KLAS to KPSP with the California one livery! :stuck_out_tongue: