What do you do during a long flight

With more taking very long flights in airliners, I wondered what you do during the flight of say over 4 hours I work on photography when taking a 6 hour flight on my laptop. Since I am connected to atc I need to stick around.

Whatever the mrs tells me I’m doing…same as normal really :rofl:


A similar topic a while back for a good read:

Complain about various things on this forum :sweat_smile:


easy, I don’t do long flights because they’re boring to me :slight_smile:

If you like IFR, you can get all the IFR goodness in a 1 to 1.5 hour short haul, without any of the boring cruise.


Practice missed approaches and DME arc approaches is my favorite. For VFR try landing at St. Barth in a C172 without hitting the misplaced tree hazards or ending up swimming with the fishes.


Well, when you’re aiming to make these kinds of flights in your logs… You’re gonna have to sit through the whole thing. Or by doing something else in the mean time.

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After connecting to MSFS and in-flight, my Flight Planner (GTFP) will let you ‘slew’ half-way to the next destination. As in Zeno’s paradox you can keep doing that. Admittedly, a bit of a cheat.

I cannot do a long flight because after ten minutes while still on the runway I find some textures or details in the cockpit I absolutely need to fix… :smiley:

Joke aside - it makes no sense doing such over-long 4 hour or even insanely long 6h flights.
Why starting the Flight Simulator only to watch Netflix or Disney+ for the rest of the afternoon? Flying 30 - 45 minutes with 20 minutes of preperation and messing around with the superb PMDG FMC is perfectly ideal :wink:

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hehe, yep, I don’t aim to have those kinds of flights in my logs.

Time accel. I’ve never understood why it gets such a bad rap in the sim community. The cockpit door is the greatest piece of tech in the real airplane… and in the sim, it’s time accel.

I just do not have the patience for long haul in real time and I so admire real world long haul airliner pilots for the demanding job they do. Its terrible for the body physiologically and as pilots they have the discomfort of constant sitting down AND the demands of watching and monitoring airplane systems.

The longest I will tolerate in a tubeliner in the game is 90 mins.

FlightAware is an amazing resource. For those who might not know - you can filter by airplane type and then by flight duration. I have started to enjoy flying the stock Airbus A320neo on real world routes and that site is a real help.

Filter by type:

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Completely agree.

With several other responsibilities (work, house, child, etc), I tend to do a maximum one to two hour flights. I encounter everything (almost) IFR related during this time.

I don’t have the patience or the time to do long and ultra long haul flights.

Good for you if you can.


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after reaching cruise altitude, turn on simrate to 2x or 4x, then setting alarm for T/D. In the meantime, I can do some chores, cooking, watch youtube, etc.


Agreed. I increase the Sim Speed all the time, usually 4x or 8x, with minimal problems. I have increase/decrease mapped to F11 and F12 for easy speed changes.

I would never attempt a 6 hour flight, it just doesn’t seem fun. My sweetspot is around 90 minutes with about 60 minutes of air time. When I reach cruise altitude I usually start Spotify and listen to a good podcast or some nice tunes. I try to not do too many household chores in order to keep the flight somewhat realistic but it happens sometimes if I choose a longer route.

I fly around 90 minute hops, and if I have the time during cruise I will dispatch my neofly fleet.

Read books. Sometimes watch baseball/sports.

I don’t do long flights often. But when I can fly hands off, I watch CNN :nerd_face: or play around with Visual Studio for my hobby projects…

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I read the manual and hope that I finish it before I have to land.