What do you do with military aircraft?

Flying this one back to its home.


I fly them in DCS, where their flight models and systems modeling are light years ahead of MSFS and they can be used at least semi-realistically. :wink:

In MSFS, I guess they’re fun sightseeing platforms?

The Monty Python answer to the question “What do you do with Military Aircraft ?” :

Bedevere: Tell me. What do you do with Military Aircraft ?
Villagers: BUUUURN!!! BUUUUUURRRRNN!!! You BURN them!!! BURN!!
Bedevere: And what do you burn apart from Military Aircraft ?
Villager: More Military Aircraft !
Other Villager: Wood.
Bedevere: So. Why do Military Aircraft burn?

(long silence)
(shuffling of feet by the villagers)

Villager: (tentatively) Because they’re made of…wood?


I love to dive in the Mach Loop and do timed laps, improve my times and stuff like that.

I also enjoy taking fighter jets through the alps, fly low and fast through valleys.

Other than that, it can be sort of fun to intercept AI aircraft but there is a big downside to it. If you get too close, they disappear.

nothing is cooler at the moment than flighing the F18 in VR. break away hard and watch the clouds (dont know the name) on the wings. also sonicboom.

I wished the aircraft would have an effect on the volumetric coulds.

Your vote of confidence is much appreciated, but we’re still years away from having military AI traffic on a global scale like we have for FS9/FSX/P3D. Practically everything needs converting and so our first packages are going to focus on one unit a time.

Plus there are still, after 2 years, a lot of unsolved issues with offline AI that are going to prevent realistic settings. But when it does work, it looks absolutely fantastic in this sim.


I would not be playing if there were no fighter jets in the sim. It is impossible for me to travel from LAX to JFK in an airliner. I will fall asleep during the flight. My Xbox is also programmed to fall asleep if it receives no input signal, just like my TV and my Controller. In Darkstar, I can arrive at LAX from JFK before I can finish my cup of coffee.

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Let’s say we had a Driving Simulator. You could get anywhere in your default Toyota Camry. There is a default Porsche which I enjoy in short bursts. Why get a Ferrari DLC? Is that the kind of question you are asking?

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I mean wouldn’t the Ferrari DLC just be a maintenance simulator? :wink:

“Why do I have a sports car package in my bus simulator game? Can’t carry passengers, can’t make revenue, and the controls are real squirrely!”

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Yes well, you can always increase the sim rate, join the dark side and slew, or if you have a flight plan just jump to TOD.

Typical Ferrari owner’s comment "absolutely fantastic car - when it is actually going "


The only military aircraft that I have are the piston slappers, Corsair, P38, Spitfire and P40. They are part of the warbird scene her in Australia and many other countries, so they appeal to me more than the jets.

I love the spitfire for general low level flying, and because it isn’t the easiest thing to fly. The F18 is great when you just want a fast blast.

I’d love an old bomber or transport though. DC3 is coming soon I believe for Xbox which will be close. Too of my wish list - B17 or 29.

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I go pew pew pew or yell out Fox 1! when I come across an aircraft.

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A bomber would be cool. Saw B-29 Doc fly over my house today. That’d be fun to fly. I think I’d prefer a b-17 or b-25.

The DC3 is what I’m most looking forward to in the anniversary update. Can’t wait for it.

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I just use them when I am in the mood for a military plane on a point a to point b flight

I like your suggestions, though I suppose the ATC thing cannot be done on the Xbox version?

For those on the Xbox, I have a suggestion since we do not have helicopters yet, use the F-35B if you have it. Do not go out and buy it just for this reason though! Essentially the same thing as a helicopter when in hover mode.


Yours has been also auto flagged just for nothing, so… Hahahaha. Crazy forum.


Aerobatics and precision flying.



It’s a good question and one that I’ve contemplated myself. On the one hand fighters look so cool are fast fun to fly etc. But they don’t have weapons in MSFS.

The reality though, is that in real life, fighters spend the vast majority of their time never firing weapons. So doing a to B flights, patrols etc. is actually a pretty realistic way to use them because you’re probably never gonna fire a weapon doing those IRL.

What I’d love to know, is what are some typical training exercises etc. that can be done without firing weapons. Those will be fun to replicate.

In the meantime I’ve been having fun doing the canyon runs low altitude runs etc as the others have mentioned and generally trying to find restricted airspace to buzz around and without any worry about ATC etc.

I have the F-35 and the Hawk and they’re both fun in their own ways. I’m contemplating my next fighter purchase and am stuck between the F-14 and the F-104.