What do you expect from tomorrow’s MP update?

Kind of an open question, but what do you think/hope is coming?

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Thx Jummivana,

I wasn’t sure how to change things to a general discussion.

Captainsim and Night enhancement, have fun


Some kind of Mitsubishi aircraft…


I am eagerly awaiting for the Paulo Ricardo scenery for SAO paulo, it has been submitted over a month ago, but I’m not too excited I don’t doubt we might get another week without it.
This marketplace is painfully slow and seems to prioritize garbage


What MP update ??

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MP = MarketPlace update which is rolling out tomorrow. So it’s just an update of the marketplace with new/updated contents.

To answer OP’s question. I don’t expect anything. I don’t get my payware addons from the marketplace, and got them externally instead. But I know that it’s definitely useful for Xbox users.

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Is this coming update why the MP is greyed out tonight? Or is that just something happening on my end?

To answer OPs question, hopefully something unforeseen and exciting will come out!

ahh My Bad. I was thinking MP was Multiplayer, and was amazed to think they they were actually fixing some of the many Multi-Player issues.

I’ll set my alarm clock for 10/10/2024 and hopefully wake up with a fully working MP system.

That will give me a whole YEAR to “DREAM” (have Nightmares) about the improvements (Changes)

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I was confused at first and jump to read the 5 October development update to read what’s the upcoming update is for. And that’s where I got my answer and post my comment above.

MP can be a lot of things, please be more specific.

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Marketplace is up and running fine here on the eastern seaboard of North America!

Yup same, got Viracopos on sale recently and SDU long ago and its nice to get some cool new scenery where theres nothing else. Just saw it on his blog 2 days ago. And they are all interesting airports.

I expect a ‘try before you buy’ feature.
Yup, just saw a pig fly past.


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