What DO you like about MSFS 2020?

For me it’s needing less 3rd party software. An example is I don’t see the need in the foreseeable future for an external weather program or global scenery.

The included bush trips and challenges are fun and hope to see new ones every month. It was such a good idea to make those bush trips multiplayer compatible.

Another thing is how easy it is to keep components updated, like the core Sim itself. I haven’t purchased anything from the marketplace but I hope purchased aircraft or scenery will act the same way.


I like that when I launch the game I never know if it’s just gonna crash while loading. The unpredictability of bugs that randomly crash the game keeps me on my toes. It’s okay when it works, but what I really like is clearing my hard drive and reinstalling windows and installing the game for the 3rd time which takes about a day. As a pilot… it’s pretty cool, that’s why I keep trying lol


Lol, you really shouldn’t be doing any of that to get it to work. It’s just issues with the game right now.

Well seems like you don’t really know what you are doing so you may want to get a xbox and try that.
i have not had one crash and also i’m not playing on anything great intel 6900k old but i do have the evga 2080ti and some ssd’s.


I somehow doubt he’s getting crashes and CTDs because “He does not know what hes doing” and the fact that you have had no issue is not the benchmark of a flawless product. Many people having same issues he is.


Who does know? If you don’t have problems you play and tell people on the forums they don’t know what their doing. If you do you try to figure it out because Asobo doesn’t have it fixed yet therefore they may not even know. Different hardware configurations are having different problems. Consider yourself lucky. My favorite part of the sim has got to be how sweet it is to actually practice dead reckoning and other vfr navigations due to the world looking pretty realistic

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If you’re actually having problems, are you reporting them on Zendesk so that it can get sent to the developers?

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it makes “flying” planes somewhat accessible for untaught ones like me.

i perfectly get it that some of you PPL or CPL pilots are not happy with the depth, the bugs, the usability of the ui, no study level planes or whatever.

however, i’ve been having a blast so far, decipher / google a heck of acronyms (ifr, vfr, atc, fms, apu, …) and learn so many new things it’s crazy.

up to now i’ve now “flown” a couple of hours with the 152 in-game, sent friends screenshots of their surroundings and even they are impressed - heck am i, again and again.

i once played some of jane’s sims for pc - long time ago it seems - and i loved them, put hundreds of hours in them - not mentioning the time it took reading / studying their printed manuals (and yup, i know there’s none for this game, but i know how to use google / youtube / reddit / discord, sufficient for me up to now). but i somehow lost track with sims like this.

i’ve watched (you guys may hate him, not the issue at stake here) flightdeck2sim recently putting some airliner with what is possible up to now in this game safely down while bad weather and only doing ifr - it was crazy for me ! i still even try to find my way around a bigger airport yet - on ground trying to find my runway with all charts available (i.e. skyvector) ! and ya, i also loved some of the vatsim / xp11 videos he did. entertaining and educating. he got me into this game and i don’t regret it at all so far.

simbrief, vatsim, addons, bugfixes, optimized drivers… awesome ! this game, which it still is and EVER will be, will keep me busy for a long time and i’m exited of whats to come though i’m still a bit overwhelmed and confused about a lot.

anyway, thats what i like of this game. it’s challenging to me.

what’s good for the old sim or even professionals of you is that this game currently gets a lot of attention. this can only be positive in the long run.

just my 5 lengthy newbie cents.

ps: i tried out xp11 when it came out. was ugly as heck, hurt my eyes, so i uninstalled it. this here is a beatuy - i can live with the hickups. at least a bit of beauty is needed to attract me - real life is too. i know it looks better now but heck, one sim like this is enough for me.


This could be a short thread :joy:

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Lol, a genuinely interesting post about the positive aspects of this sim turns into a discussion on the negatives in just one single comment. :expressionless:

I like the potential of this sim and that Asobo can continously update the world and make it even better. The new aerodynamics and weather simulation are a great step in the right direction. :ok_hand: I love the fully-integrated marketplace - I hope there will be less of “download here”, “go to this forum there”, “make an account there”. Making flight simulation more accessible and the whole “XBox Game Pass” thing can be really benefitial to this community. The multiplayer will be great once some more bugs are fixed, I’ll definetly try out the VATSIM integration at some point. I love that they brought some of the more relaxed flair of “Flight” (love it or hate it) with the “Activities” and “Live Events” - I hope there will be more awesome missions in the future.

This is an extremly ambitious project and some bugs aside, this is a masterpiece.


The stunning scenery, the possibility to fly in a “real” world, the recognition value of those landscapes that I already know by myself, flight plans are easily made, getting the whole planet without overloading my HDD …


Although I got a refund and uninstalled it I really like the graphics, live ATC and live weather. I was flying around my home town airport (KBTV) and it looked just is does in real life, I was able to identify dozens of landmarks, it was the same in NYC. Very impressive. As soon a functional airliner is available I may just repurchase it.

I like to fly VFR in GA planes, so I’m already way happier than I was with P3D and almost all of Orbx’s regions and airports. Now I fly all over the world and it looks amazing.

And, it’s only going to keep getting better and better.

I already uninstalled P3D and all that.

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The visuals are stunning! The colors are incredibly lifelike! Especially the Blue Screen Of Death. I get that one every time I try to play this over hyped arcade game.

The visuals are stunning! The colors are incredibly lifelike! Especially the Blue Screen Of Death. I get that one every time I try to play this over hyped arcade game.

Is that really necessary on this particular thread?


The trolls have been swarming all over the place. :unamused:


I guess we can all agree that the best thing about Msfs2020 is when it works as intended

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Yup! It sure is!

Yup! It sure is!

Could I politely ask why?

What I really like so far:

  1. The atmospheric modelling engine (weather, wind, clouds, precip, ice, colors etc.) - This is my absolute favorite!
  2. The scenery engine

As a world & atmosphere simulator, it is already pretty good.

Now the work needs to be done to make it a proper flight simulator.