it makes “flying” planes somewhat accessible for untaught ones like me.
i perfectly get it that some of you PPL or CPL pilots are not happy with the depth, the bugs, the usability of the ui, no study level planes or whatever.
however, i’ve been having a blast so far, decipher / google a heck of acronyms (ifr, vfr, atc, fms, apu, …) and learn so many new things it’s crazy.
up to now i’ve now “flown” a couple of hours with the 152 in-game, sent friends screenshots of their surroundings and even they are impressed - heck am i, again and again.
i once played some of jane’s sims for pc - long time ago it seems - and i loved them, put hundreds of hours in them - not mentioning the time it took reading / studying their printed manuals (and yup, i know there’s none for this game, but i know how to use google / youtube / reddit / discord, sufficient for me up to now). but i somehow lost track with sims like this.
i’ve watched (you guys may hate him, not the issue at stake here) flightdeck2sim recently putting some airliner with what is possible up to now in this game safely down while bad weather and only doing ifr - it was crazy for me ! i still even try to find my way around a bigger airport yet - on ground trying to find my runway with all charts available (i.e. skyvector) ! and ya, i also loved some of the vatsim / xp11 videos he did. entertaining and educating. he got me into this game and i don’t regret it at all so far.
simbrief, vatsim, addons, bugfixes, optimized drivers… awesome ! this game, which it still is and EVER will be, will keep me busy for a long time and i’m exited of whats to come though i’m still a bit overwhelmed and confused about a lot.
anyway, thats what i like of this game. it’s challenging to me.
what’s good for the old sim or even professionals of you is that this game currently gets a lot of attention. this can only be positive in the long run.
just my 5 lengthy newbie cents.
ps: i tried out xp11 when it came out. was ugly as heck, hurt my eyes, so i uninstalled it. this here is a beatuy - i can live with the hickups. at least a bit of beauty is needed to attract me - real life is too. i know it looks better now but heck, one sim like this is enough for me.