Hi there,
What does it take to build a great sim like the MSFS 2020? How many employees does Asobo have and how many does Microsoft have? How many programs to put in the code?
I love this great sim, I have only had a few issues…
Your Thoughts?
Any info or help is greatly appreciated. TIA
Lots and lots of money and lots of clever folks as well.
Actually I’m more interested in the Programming of the Sim…
Have you watched any of the Developer Q&As?
They are all available. Start there from the first one.
Seb is very forthright and interesting to listen to about the inner workings of the simulator’s development.
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tl;dr a lot, across many disciplines.
Continuing the discussion from Dev Livestream Transcript: April 2024 :
How many people work at Asobo?
[Martial] Am I allowed to give the right number?
[Jorg] On the product or on the?
[Martial] On the product, yes. Jorg.
[Jorg] 200, roughly. Roughly 200. Yeah, that’s right. In total, the number goes up and down because we have a bunch of other companies obviously working on this. I think we have about 700 people right now working on the flight sim, I think, in different capacities. But that includes people like the iniBuilds team, the people that work on the planes with us. And the Gaya team and the Orbx team and Working Title team, there’s lots and lots and lots and lots of teams. I think in total there’s 25 or 26. But Asobo is probably the biggest. You need to think about it this way. Asobo the center, and then there’s other people that have expertise in areas that take care of those areas.
See also https://www.asobostudio.com/careers
Update: see the MSFS rundown @ FSExpo Day Two: Live updates – Stormbirds
Updated update:
800 people as at FSExpo 2024
11’30" @
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June 22, 2024, 4:59am
Take 700 devs, create a Great sim, release a SU 5 and destroy it.
Watch the FSExpo 2024 stream to get an idea what they’re doing for FS2024 - incredible amount of work and effort