I was wondering, how can i get rid of this blue borders of the objects that overlap the clouds? I have this configuration recently, and i didn’t changed anything as far as i recall…
I believe it’s this issue and it’s not you. I suggest you upvote here:
Yeah, this occurs due to the changes they made with the cloud rendering. They made it in such a way that it doesn’t tax your hardware that much. So you can improve the fps while flying through and around clouds while also getting rid of the pixelated grainy clouds that people have reported.
This seems to be the side-effect of those changes. Just go to that topic that Monk provided and vote it there to discuss them.
Also, report to Zendesk as well.
Do you have a link to where they said that? They only acknowledged the noise issue in the release notes.
- Noise issue affecting clouds has been fixed
I don’t have the link. But the fact that I’m currently getting 30 FPS on Ultra, while I was getting 25 fps on Medium-High before the patch, suggested that they did something in the code that optimised my full hardware capability.
So it is your opinion and not a statement from Asobo? It sounded like you were quoting something they said.
I guess it’s just got lost in translation. English is my third language, after all. So I humbly apologise if that was what came across…
To add a bit of context to my opinion would be. I’ve worked in the IT industry for a living long enough to know that a piece of software doesn’t magically improve in performance if nothing is done to the coding. There has to be something that was done, either removing the overhead codes, bypassing some processes, or something that would make the software go faster and more stable. The other way would be to have a faster more powerful hardware. And since I don’t change anything in my hardware, then my experience from working in the IT industry for a living suggest the changes to the coding could be the cause of the performance improvement and stability.
Another point would be to quote their actual saying:
Noise issue affecting clouds has been fixed
Would mean that they fixed it. If you think that’s just my opinion to say that they fixed it based on this quote, then by all means. Then it would be just my opinion that the only way to fix a software issue affecting the cloud would be to change the coding of how the cloud is rendered.
Now whether the change to the coding affects the performance? There’s no official statement of that of course. But my experience dealing with IT software would mean that is highly likely to be the case.
Another thing to point out from what I learn being a consultant in the IT world is that, “Only say the only thing that you meant to say”. That it’s always better to underpromise but overdeliver, than overpromised but under deliver. It is only my assumption and therefore my opinion that the reason why they don’t mention anything about performance improvement is that they don’t want to make bold enough claim that they cannot support with evidence.
They could say that the performance has been increased by 15%. And you should be getting 15% more FPS. But how do you prove that? They can have the proof that it works in their controlled environment in their lab, but out here in the real world, different hardware combination can yield different results. Some people who are getting more than 15% improvement would be happy and think, Asobo is great and goes well above and beyond. But for those people who couldn’t squeeze even a fraction of FPS, or even actually made their FPS worse… They would think that Asobo is a bunch of liars.
So what’s the best scenario to deal with this? Just stay quiet. It’s not something that people need to know, because if it does improve them, then they’ll be happy. If not, then that’s a side effect.
So yes, taking their official statement as a primary source, while also through multiple educated observation and experiences of looking at it from different perspective, and add in the context of my background as an IT consultant. I came to a conclusion as my opinion, that they have done something to the coding that fixes the cloud grain issue while leading to an improved FPS performance while inadvertently producing the ouline artifact that we all experience today.