What happend to Saba?

just took this screenshot in Saba. Basically all satellite textures are gone. Haven’t been there in a while. Is that new?

Looks like your rolling cache is disabled or it hasn’t been able to download the satellite images.

I never use rolling cache, never had problems. The surrounding islands were ok

Another scenery causing a conflict?
Temporary Nvidia cache enabled?

The only scenery in the area that was activated was the new Thrustmaster i-Land and the Seafront Ships mod. The latter has never made a problem. I’ll check without them again.

Don’t think I have any Nvidia cache enabled (don’t even know how to do that)

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Double check to see that your in-game graphic settings are where you want them - I know that for whatever reason mine reverted to the lowest of the low once for no reason.

did that already. And as I said: the surrounding islands work perfectly. There’s also something wrong with the elevation.

Definitely something wrong with the elevation, I’m showing about 100’ off.

Ok, I found the mistake … in order to speed up loading times, I had moved Saba airport (together with all other Asobo and Microsoft airports) to subfolders actived by MSFS Addons Linker. But I hadn’t activated it…
Turns out the airport scenery is also responsible for a large part of the island’s vegetation.

Thanks for your input everyone!


did we always have PC-12s as stock traffic aircraft or is that new? (Community folder was empty)

If the plane’s livery config file has this entry " isAirTraffic = 1 " it can be used.

I am aware of that, but since there were no 3rd party aircraft installed apart from the Carenado C170 (in the picture), the Carenado Mooney and the Carenado Seminole, this plane shouldn’t even be there. Also as far as I know there currently isn’t even a PC-12 available - SWS is developing one. So: is this a stock traffic aircraft I have never seen before, or where did it come from (and why is it floating 1m above the tarmac)?

This has been a stock aircraft for AI generic traffic since launch. As for the floating… blame it on Asobo’s magic live traffic code


Thanks. Never noticed this model before.

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