What happens to us Alpha, Beta testers?

Testers did their best, and they reported all bugs, trust me. Whether those issues were addressed that was beyond their control.


You don’t know what you’re talking about, but slinging accusations around pretty freely. Maybe knock it off. :small_airplane: :smiley_cat:


Are you sure? I mean I am an airline pilot, cfi, customer, enthusiast, enrolled on both alpha and beta… but if you say so. Sorry to say but whatever was done during alpha/beta was irrelevant, since the product is still clearly in those stages.

That may very well be the case, and the reason why I am saying it is pointless.

That will arrive after the surprised they said they had for us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Everybody on the forum seems to be an airline pilot, cfi, blah-blah-blah. Then they say things that are just silly, like that the testing was irrelevant. If you really were a tester, then you’d know better. :small_airplane: :smiley_cat:

Hi everyone.

Microsoft is yet to announce future plans for community testing, if and when they make an announcement it will likely be posted in #community:news-and-announcements, and on the offical website.

The purpose of the #self-service:wishlist subcategory is to request game features or suggest feature improvements, this thread does not seem to address either of these points. Furthermore Alpha and Beta testers are still under a strict NDA which prevents us from discussing pre-release builds (NDA Info). Because of this, I don’t see a reason to keep this topic open.

Thread Lockd.