What is cubemap resolution in the graffic settings?


What is cubemap resolution in the graphic settings?
I do not see any difference when changings the values. Can someone give me some pictures of the difference?


Try on the lowest setting and check clouds reflections on water. Then put it at the max and check again.
Here you go!
It also affects scenery reflections on the planes windows.

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There’s a minor underlaying issue here. Asobo’s descriptions for exactly what the various settings do are quite unhelpful. Same thing with “Raymarched” something. I had to look it up, since the description didn’t tell me anything.

That said, I get it if they want to focus on fixing big issues first; slight annoyances like this can wait.

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Has anyone explored what is the difference between the raymarched/reflections setting and the cubemap resolution setting in terms of visual impact and performance impact?

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The tips are completely useless indeed.

Is this how it looks in the sim? Can I switch it Off?

Mhmm no it should look like this, depending on the setting you use of course:


What is the ideal setting for this? RTX 2070. 192?

I am using the max setting with my 2070s. Then again (as I always say) I have limited my fps to 30 in the Nvidia control panel and the sim is smooth as silk for me.

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