What is lost on a Reset of the sim

I might need to do a rest, and I read different things about what is lost during the process. I’ve read that you should copy the community folder to a safe place, then copy all the stuff in it back into the new community folder. What else do you loose and have to reconstruct after a reset? Do you loose the controller bindings, and does your log and profile stay the same? It takes forever to get things the way you want them, so I just want to know what I’ll loose during a reset.


I did a clean install a while ago. Beside the application itself I also deleted (by purpose) the local msfs settings folder - in order to really have a clean basis.
In doing so I lost the completion state of bush trips completely, which surprised me. Also my configurations of the sim itself, control device profiles (throttle quadrant, …) and for aircrafts like FBW A320 (throttle calibration etc) and H135 etc. were lost…which is clear and did not surprise me :grin:

Beside that, the other things seem to be stored in the cloud profile (logbook, achievements, flight hours, personal statistics, list of purchased products).
At least for my setting, I did not saw any lost configs.

Maybe someone else can tell you, for which settings you can do a Backup and restore.

I did a reset and it erased the entire sim from my machine and I had to reinstall. I already keep a backup of the community folder so that was easy to restore but yes it deleted it with the reset. It did keep all my controller profiles and achievements but I did have to redo all my default camera positions for each plane.

Last time I did it, I made a copy of the whole packages folder; I was going to relocate it anyway. On reinstallation, I simply pointed it to the copy I’d made, and I lost nothing.

I was asking about a Reset, not an installation, or a delete and reinstall. According to what I’ve read you make a copy of the community folder, and copy the contents back. Has anyone done a Reset, and if so how did it go?


Using the MS Store version of MSFS, a “reset” is equivalent, it seems to me, of a soft re-install.

If the downloaded package folder is in the default location of


then all downloaded packages for the game, including marketplace purchases and the community folder will get wiped by this procedure.

To avoid losing this content and to prevent having to download everything again then this content can be moved prior to initiating the “reset”. Details on how to do this are found here:

(I would recommend everyone use such a custom path for the installation of game packages, rather than use the default directory structure prompted during initial install)

If the install directory is in a custom folder, then from my experience a “reset” should not cause any loss of peripheral settings but may require going through the initial stages of setting up all preferences within the sim e.g. graphics and assistance settings. It will also potentially remove the progress accumulated for certain online activities e.g. bush trips, training missions and log book. These can also be backed up and restored (potentially) by backing up the folder:


and copying that folder back into the same location after the “reset”.
If this is done prior to MSFS being first run after the “reset” then it may also prevent some other aspects being lost- although I have not yet tested this.

All of these comments are based solely on my own personal experience and are not to be considered as “official” advice.

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Excellent and complete description. Thanks for taking the time. Not totally sure I will need to reset, waiting for word from Working Title regarding a sudden problem with some airports with the G1000 NXi. Hoping for the best but prepping for the worst.


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