What is the best way to get into VR from the Windows desktop?

I have MSFS on steam using Windows 10. I just got an Oculus Quest Pro and realized I can start the game via a few avenues. I can just open steam and load a flight as if I were playing normally, and then use the key command “ctrl” + “tab” to get into VR. Or I can load up SteamVR and load MSFS from within SteamVR.

I have set my OpenXR runtime to SteamVR as I’ve heard it’s better than Microsoft’s openxr. Does this setting still apply if I start the game from regular steam and then get into VR, or would I still be using MS’s openxr in that case?

If you can run native openXR instead of SteamVR, I would always go with that. That said, I don’t know for sure if that’s possible with the Steam version.

This is my preferred way. Mainly, because VR uses more GPU than 2D. During startup and loading, MSFS also uses your GPU. Since your GPU is more utilized in VR, loading times are significantly longer when already in VR.

I own the Steam version of MSFS, there is no need to use SteamVR. I tried it time ago (there are ways to switch back and forth) but found the additional SteamVR layer being rather error-prone than helpful. I prefer to use native Windows OpenXR plus the OpenXR toolkit for additional options.


Ok, cool, thanks for the info. Do you know if I need to download the Windows OpenXR runtime somewhere? I did download the OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality, however when I try to open it I get “Error communicating with the Mixed Reality OpenXR service”. Which leads me to believe I do not have Windows OpenXR on my machine, so I went here to download it, but when going through the installation it asks me to target the Unity project I want to add OpenXR to, which I do not have.

I am using Windows 10 if it matters.

I don’t recall exactly, it’s long ago I installed all this. But I checked my MS Store library and there are entries for “OpenXR for Windows Mixed Reality”, “Windows Mixed Reality - OpenXR Developer Tools” (not required, but useful for setting resolution), and “Mixel Reality Portal”.