What is the use of dynamic cache?

Hi, is better to have it inactive?
What is better to improve performance?


Cache is only there for times when your internet connection is either unavailable or unusable.

There are plenty threads on rolling cache use but to summarize

It stores downloaded data from areas you fly over after you leave the area. If you fly over the same place again, the game will retrieve that data from the rolling cache instead of downloading it from the server again.

Whether it’s better to have it on or not is debatable. If you always fly somewhere new it’s completely useless. If it’s set too small you might not have many benefit of it either. But if big enough and always flying the same area you might get a bit better performance, not being tied to the throttled download speeds or fickle nature on the internet.

For me I got better performance without it, since I always fly to new places. It’s just wasted time updating the cache.

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