Hi all.
Could someone help me with this? My graphic settings are on ultra with default settings. The quality does not looks nice! Is this from the last update or is this something else?
Does someone know how to fix this?
Hi all.
Could someone help me with this? My graphic settings are on ultra with default settings. The quality does not looks nice! Is this from the last update or is this something else?
Does someone know how to fix this?
Try setting up low or medium settings. Then set them back to Ultra again, see if that works.
There is a common & well documented bug since SU5 that the sim is not saving graphics settings & also not showing correct settings unless you reset them like I mentioned above.
I tried that. Nothing changed. I created another screenshot after changing from medium to ultra settings.
The plane itself looks rather good. But look what awefull the trees are.
The problem is the Simupdate 5. There is still a massiv downgrade…wait for the next update and hope we will get back to the graphics of the simupdate 4…
If you’re interested in trees have a look at Bijan’s 4 Seasons add on. It’s quite transforming and looks a heck of a lot better than that
Could you be more specific about what’s not nice?
I’m glad you included a picture, but I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary or “not nice” maybe zoom in and circle an area where you mean, and say what’s “not nice” about it?
How is anyone supposed to understand a definition like “not nice”?
Agree with FlyingsCool… at least provide some concrete points… from this altitude, trees look quite nice… tree distance has been improved with Hotfix2…
My points: imho the main issue left with trees is tree detail quality from less than 250Ft distance… made a report this afternoon about the current state, maybe when my description is accurate, it helps to not re-invent the wheel every time ? this topic…
Get my man Bijahns mod on it ! You won’t be dissatisfied! I would hire that guy to do my yard with my plants and trees in a heartbeat! He is a master at his craft !
Maybe the OP meant those grainy dots called trees especially in the distance. I think it’s a new “feature” with SU5. The devs probably changed the way trees are rendered. In VR however, it’s less jarring.
Does Bijahns mod affect all trees ? and do trees on short distance improve ? I’ve seen the mod online, not in the market place. I prefer to buy it on the market place ingame, actually… I’m not an XBox’er, but a mod as intrusive as Seasons has to be guarenteed and certified, imho. Actually I hope MS/Asobo will call Bijahn some day… let’s build things in. Think integration, not addins. Asobo’s head Jorg Neumann in fact promised seasons in MSFS, long time ago. When Ms/Asobo can buy the clouds from Unreal, why not trees from Bijahn ? It looks great in the screenshots…
No it is not, click my above link, the grainy dots were there already, before the Nordic update… issue is… people have been staring at Medium level for weeks. Now Ultra is back with Hotfix 2, and the grainy dots don’t really get better with Ultra.
Agreed. Nicely put
Why not have a gander at the thread. Look at a few pics and ask a few questions there. There’s nothing like first hand knowledge
If it weren’t closed… but indeed, there IS a topic here…
There’s an update… but it did not reach Marketplace yet.
Are you talking about the grain which can be seen on the trees in the distance?
This can be removed by editing the UserCfg.opt file and set sharpen from 1 to 0 under category graphics and post process in the file.
This is exactly what i meant yes. Sorry for the short explanation.
That’s not the one.
I was on the main one about 5 mins ago. It’s definitely not closed. It’s the one with 2500 postings and is still very much open and active
yes i mean the grainy textures on the trees
@Kayembee370 why don’t YOU put a link then ? I don’t have Seasons (yet)
Yeah I solved that with the file editing and turning sharpen to 0.
What does guaranteed and certified mean? Not even anything in the Marketplace is guaranteed and certified, as has been clearly shown by reviews of many products there. Guaranteed and certified to do what?
The only real thing you have to rely on are reviews by people who’ve purchased it, there’s plenty of that here for Bijan’s product and everything else.
In this case, I do like the product myself a lot. The problem is, I do a lot of scenery development, and it changes the list of default biomes to a completely new list, and, given I want anyone to use my sceneries, I therefore need to use the default. But my sceneries work just fine with his software installed. It was quite cool to see blooming crab apple trees in the spring :)… Very cool. A little bit too much pine I find however in New England, but that could be just me.
And I will TOTALLY vouch for his persistence in providing updates! He works really hard at getting it right, and always responds to customer requests. And constantly keeps his software up to date and improves it.
What you won’t ever find with his software is something as silly as this in New England that you’ll find in the default biome! What is that? Some sort of 30 foot tall potted peony from the Jurassic period? In New England? I get so upset every time I see one of these plants.
Personally I prefer to purchase outside the Marketplace. Given the fact Microsoft does not record what you purchased, and you don’t get a receipt for what you purchased, except for the “game credits” you purchased, and the fact they don’t replace product that gets corrupted based on many, many reports here, I find it very hard to purchase anything from the Marketplace. I don’t trust them. I’ve purchased from sites like Simmarket and Just Flight and Orbx and Flight One for years and years, and have never had an issue with them.