I like the Tutor T.1 by IRIS Simulations. I purchased it through Orbx Direct.
You can have a look at the forum thread here.
Not perfect, but pretty good, and IIRC an update is on the way.
I built my home cockpit as a replica of the Diamond DV-20 which is similar to the plane I acquired my PPL on. I think it’s a great trainer aircraft and it’s included in the medium edition of MSFS (I can’t keep those edition names apart).
I have to admit I still love the Flight Design CTSL. The Aera avionics are small and awkward to use, but it’s got the basics for VFR flight as steam gauges (it is not IFR rated!). Since it’s a European model the steam gauge ASI is in km/h instead of knots, but you can divide by two to approximate.
It’s just a cute plane, light and easy to fly, with big windows that are easy to look out through for a view. Fixed-pitch prop, auto mixture (Rotax engine).
The Diamond DV20 is a nice step up from there, with a proper steam panel and VOR capability I think, but still no autopilot so you have to manually maintain course and altitude. The DV20 has a constant-speed prop you have to adjust at times, but like the CTSL has auto mixture thanks to a Rotax engine.
It’s also got pretty good cockpit visibility, and I quite enjoy it for sightseeing trips up and down the Columbia River starting from KHIO or other small airports near Portland.
Got to be the Warrior. That is until ‘someone’ releases a Tomahawk - to complete the Piper GA lineup (hint hint) - which is what I clocked up most real world hours in.
I released it this Wednesday - but the update will have it practically done and then some. Coms/Radios - I’m finalizing an Aera this weekend as a little cream on the top! I know you’re going to count the gauges now in this pic… lol There’s 4 on the flloor for the fuel L/R mains(Center1), Center2(under the rear seats) and two wingtip tanks;-) Don’t be too harsh though, it was a learning experience.
Alot of users have said this, but for training there is only one aircraft (for me) that tops them all. Easily the Just Flight Warrior is an incredible trainer that is extremely indepth, and I would rate it extremely highly. Additionally, the entire PA-28 family from JF is absolutely breathtaking. I think additionally, while not a great trainer aircraft, I am a fan of Carenado’s Mooney for some fun flights (If your just looking for steam guages). The listed onces are all payware, however there are still a bunch of great freeware ones I’d try out on Flightsim.to.
Just out of curiosity, what would make the Warrior so much more suitable as a trainer than the Arrows? I ask because I have both Arrows, but did not want to spend more on the Warrior (it gets a bit silly to buy 3 versions of the same design)