What kind of cloud is it?

I’m flying through Brazil, would that be some way to redraw the high CB clouds? Could anyone explain? Can the game create CB clouds at FL400?

I believe it is a form of Asobogus Congestus :rofl:


LOL that made me laugh. Look forward to seeing that on a TAF sometime!


That’s the best thing I heard all day. Thanks! :rofl:

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There’s a Wishlist topic for cirrus clouds in the sim, if interested:

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All I know is that flying through them, is a huge drop in FPS due to all the smoke and fog particle effects my GPU is trying to render so hard.

Well…it’s there at least, so it can’t be an Xbox network validation cloud…that was entirely absent for many people this evening. (for the 2nd time in less than a month.)

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:rofl: This is gold!

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