What kind of helicopter pedals do you use?

I was wondering what kind of pedals do you use? (I know it’s a hardware question, but the pros are here, so…)
Nowadays many you can buy have toe brakes, which seems like…obstructing even? Any experiences or suggestions? :helicopter:

[used to have (Hofmann) Simpled vario rudder pedals, but the creator died in 2008, production and support stopped and don’t know how to make them work]
[source: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/foto-der-person-die-hubschrauber-reitet-3757138/]


these for me : https://www.thrustmaster.com/fr_FR/produits/tflight-rudder-pedals

and they are currently in stock here:

and there:

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the one to have for a helicopter, I agree. But it is only used for helicopters (or then by plane but without the differential brakes)

at first i own the T.Flight Rudder Pedals too and these are good one related to the price ( former normal price was 80€ ). Then I switched to the TPR: THRUSTMASTER PENDULAR RUDDER which are much more expensive, but in point of workmanship and accuracy they are much better. But you have to remove the rolls off your chair :wink:

I use the Pro Flight Trainer Puma, which is a full kit. Rather amazing piece of hardare.

Review here: https://www.helisimmer.com/reviews/pro-flight-trainer-puma

Not if you remove the springs :slight_smile:


done :stuck_out_tongue: … but because of the hard-rolls at my chair, a little Fly can move the chair if they collide with it :rofl:

Ooooh! I hear ya.

My cat would probably throw me across the place, then. With his “love nudges” on my shins.


I have these and can vouch for them 100%. Can’t go wrong with VKB or Virpil products.


VIRPIL released a kit specifically for the virtual helicopter pilots although the design is a bit off, but it ends up resembling the VKB one. It has a lot of great customization features, though and it works very well. I was impressed by it.

Here’s my review on it: Review: VIRPIL VPC ACE-Torq Pedals • HeliSimmer.com