For me, best would be probably SF50 Vision Jet by FlightFX. Super easy to get in and fly so I’m always coming back to it. Big windscreen means it’s great VFR. Complex avionics means it’s great IFR. Side stick means I’m not rigging up my yoke every time for casual flights. Developers pay attention to it and they’ve only made a great plane better. And it’s CHEAP for what it is, IMO.
edit: Kodiak, ATR 72-600 , PMDG 737 and Carenado’s 182RG not too terribly far behind for best ROI.
Worst would probably be PMDG’s DC-6, and it brings me GREAT pain to admit that, because I LOVE this plane. But I only take it out when I’m looking for a start-to-finish realistic experience from apron to apron, trying to show this amazing aircraft the respect she deserves. And that, coupled with how hands-on it is through all phases of flight, and combined with the (justifiably) high cost of entry, undoubtedly makes this my worst ROI in my hangar. Man I hate to admit that! I love the plane. But I gotta be real.
edit: Just Flights Piper Turbo Arrow probably takes second place here for worst ROI. Again, LOVE the plane. Just a higher priced aircraft that makes me feel like I really gotta be on the ball whenever I tow her out, which leads to fewer opportunities where I decide to do so.
I didn’t mention anything about the planes that are often trashed on here - stuff from Bredok, Captain Sim (guilty of buying the 737MAX and maybe a couple others…) and LatinVFR (USED to be pretty meh, now they really seem to be showing their stuff some more love and they exist in a pretty admirable space in the market right now IMO). I don’t fly these much but I knew what I was getting into when I bought them, they filled a niche, and that’s on me.
My picks are Marketplace-limited, as I am on Xbox.
Whatchu all got?