Same here, FPS almost halved.
Went from 50-70 to 20-40 and very unstable.
I’m getting worse performance in a glider in the middle of the montains than before in the PMDG 737 in Las Vegas
Same here, FPS almost halved.
Went from 50-70 to 20-40 and very unstable.
I’m getting worse performance in a glider in the middle of the montains than before in the PMDG 737 in Las Vegas
Interesting, I used to get that bug in SU10, it would be fine for hours then suddenly the FPS would plummet and my GPU util would almost halve.
I didn’t know about that trick, will try it if I still get the same issue in SU11 (it would come and go, some flights fine for a week or so then appear again randomly).
So far though at least in one flight of 4 hours (still flying) its great.
Whoever suggested deleting rolling cache, well that seems to have magically fixed it. Nice one
Your sim is rendered in 1440p and what is your internet speed like?
why 1440p? is it something to do with DLSS? i have it set to 2160p. i have 1Gbps fiber.
Couple of good tips here. Especially the rolling cache DLSS 11… 12. But I wonder if server issue
I was offline after startup and came good then a very rare (hope not sign of things to come) CTD after about 45 mins
Deleting the rolling cache fixed it for me.
I did a short flight earlier and I was flying around Chicago from Meigs Field and had a lot of stutters. At the time I figured everyone was downloading and that could be the cause. Getting ready to try again and see. I didn’t check my FPS but the stutters were very noticeable.
I posted in another thread that I noticed that all 12GB of VRAM on my 3080 TI were in use.
I’ll see what it runs like now that hopefully the servers have less activity.
Here 24FpS steady on low line graphics 1920x1080 HP MX-330 Envy laptop… 17-20FpS on medium, so nothing changed for me really like the additional stuff with this update… FpS don’t bother me
Am getting same performance as SU11 beta in DX12, slightly better GPU latency (~5ms) with reflex on+boost, using AIG addon traffic and addon scenery, PMDG 737, Fenix A320. Seems good to me at least. With the A310 that goes to pot, though!
RTX3070 driver 522.25, 8700K 4GHz
Edit - A short time later… The above were observations were at RJTT ( mod) and NZWN (Flightbeam) but at YSSY (Flytampa) the FPS are very bad - main thread completely saturated, 20fps slideshow (no aig traffic loaded even) so possibly some 3rd party airports need update as I have seen reports of KLAX being terrible performance too?
Edit 2 - I notice my fps in the main menus were very low too. Rebooted the PC, as restarting the sim didn’t help, and hey presto, back to great performance! Hadn’t noticed this during beta, it might be a one-off or if others observe it…
I got extensive stutters with only 20 FPS when landing. I got stable 60 FPS with the same settings for SU10.
I am using the AMD 6900xt, it was so smooth for SU10.
6900 here and same problem, fps halved
That’s what happens when you pile up service updates and don’t allow the community enough testing time because you rush to a 40th Anniversary release, which mind you considering such an important milestone, should have been flawless and issue free.
SU10 was an amazing release and this one? I can’t even begin to say how many issues I’ve had today and have yet to complete the flight. Scandalous planning and execution. I appreciate the effort of bringing in the new goodies though. Hopefully the hotfixes are going to be rolling in asap.
yes, it was frustrating; my first flight for SU11 crashed just because the FPS dropped to almost zero.
I don’t know what happened, but with DX12 I have now 5-10 fps more than I had before with DX11
Funny…my FPS has gone from 35 to 70 after turning on DLSS. Smooth as butter so far.
The new a310 is an FPS hog, topping the Fenix by 10fps. I will not be using it, with 3080 getting betwen 20 and 25.
Running fine here @ 50fps.
Turned graphics down to high-end for the non enhanced A310. Tune ya machine till ya get the desired results.
Didnt work for me. 3080TI still getting 20-30FPS.
Possibly a driver issue then? Should be getting way more with a 3800Ti.