What was your first plane that you guys started off with in the Sim?

Hi fun question!

For me it started this year in februari after I finished building my pc just for this sim.
I started with a short little test flight around the bay area in San Fransisco in a Cessna 172. Shortly after I dived into those amazing bushflights. The Balkan tour was the one I took first and fell in love instantly with VFR flying.
After completing 5 tours I stopped doing these bushtrips as problems came to light.
I really do hope these problems get fixed in future updates.

I continued to fly VFR and started my own “poi hunter” series.
I bought an aeronautical map of the UK, a plotter and a E6B flight computer and started making flightplans. Why calculate fuel?

I found this very fun and educational. With these poi hunter series I chased down every poi in a Cessna 172 in the UK planning the flights on paper.
It was absoluty an amazing and fun experience and can highly recommend this way of planning.

My interest in vfr flying grew and so I bought my first more realistic plane. The just flight Turbo arrow.

I have lots of fun flying this plane for its realism.

I also bought the DC6, the Seneca V and the Junkers.

With these planes I love to fly more with the use instruments.

Cheers Mark