Hi there, I was wondering what the difference between the free and the paid version of FSUIPC7, and is it worth purchasing the software? Any information is greatly appreciated. TIA
Open up the user manual and there is a section which outlines what you get with the paid version, manual is found in your FSUIPC installation folder, Documents, FSUIPC User Guide.
Most users won’t need a paid subscription, those who do, already know they do.
For instance, to run the Fenix A320 or PMDG737 in Air Manager and get certain variables to read, and use LUA scripts we require the paid version.
The basic version is good enough for nearly all addons that require FSUIPC7.
The paid FSUIPC version is great (used it during the FS9 days, I’ve moved on to Lorby’s AxisAndOhs in MSFS to access the Lvars (and Bvars). Personal I think their UI is much cleaner and easier to work with. There’s also MobiFlight to achieve these things.
So the paid version is not the only option for these!
It’s possible in FSUIPC also. If you read all of the advanced user manual you know how to do it.
That said, the UI is not the best.