What's the longest you HAVEN'T flown in MSFS?

Breaks can be multiple months. I try to keep it updated, but it has become more of a chore than an excitement. Many reasons for this, including slow download speeds. Also, having to go check all add ons for updates is a hassle too.

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Only sporadic gaming because of medical reasons for some weeks now.
It is better to listen to some audiobooks and relax and watch movies and only enjoy games or steer virtual airplanes when feeling perfectly fit :slight_smile:

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I gradually stopped flying after I got my G2 VR headset and found that with AMD 6000 series cards together with Ryzen 5600X it CTDs every flight, so maybe close to two months since I fired up the sim. Until either Asobo and/or AMD fix this bug I just don’t have the incentive to fly anymore. Of course I DO fly R/C planes in FPV so there’s that to fall back on when the Wx is fine. Oh and Condor 2 for my glider fix in a sim.

That is a demonstrably false claim.


Tech Alpha - 20+ hours/week
Release - played a lot, again 20+ per week.
Stopped playing around mid fall. Restarted again. I believe it was something around 6 months. :smile:

Please demonstrate it is false.

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A week, maybe two while I was trying to figure out why my gamertag wasn’t working right. Turns out it was Microsoft’s fault (@Jummivana perhaps you can help with this), but they did nothing to fix it. My only choice was to rebuy the sim, and all my other licenses, which I did (except I have not repurchased the Carenado 182 and Mooney because they don’t work properly in VR), and even though it was MS’s fault, they refused to fix me financially.

And I was in withdrawals for every second of it!


I’m 3 days now and is going to be longer because not many aircrafts are satisfied and just too little choices. So it’s quite boring now. I have 700 hours + flight time and playing MSFS since day 1. :crazy_face::flushed:

Sometimes I go a day or two and sometimes its a few weeks, but I’m also flying XP as well most of the time. Normally I go back and forth with flying flights and comparing between the two, but it varies on time how long I don’t fly it.

2 Months.
As a simulator, incredible graphics notwithstanding, this is not a flight sim.
From an aviation perspective, we are close, in my estimation maybe 65%?
Awesome experience? No doubt.
Improving ? No doubt.
Aerodynamics? Sorta close for a PC sim but the math is off. Could do better.
VR? Pretty dang cool. Something to super build on? Hell yes! Looking forward to improvements at the end of the Month.
Where I dreamed it would be? 50%
On hold? Brunner flight stick or yoke.
Full force feedback? An absolute must.
IFR? Non existent. Fix ATC, fix visibility. Been requesting this since the release.
Motion platform? I’m all in. The buy in? About 5k, figure 7k with force feedback. Thats a totally personal direction and not a reflection of the current state of the Sim. I’m just excited as heck about the direction we can go but I feel we could have ticked a yes to many of the requirements for an IFR based sim using VR and a motion platform many Months ago and I stay hopefull that this is a direction in which this software can grow.
Yep, I boot the sim every couple of Months, do some updates and hope for the best.
…still waiting…

Since at least December last year. Hurt right hand, and it impeded joystick operation. So quit for that reason, plus MSFS was very unstable, 787 DL was not working good. Went back to FSX for HC-TQ programing, but that takes so long, just quite flying completely. Arm is still hurt, physical therapy, we will see how that goes. Have fun all. Keeping MSFS up to date with patches.

It’s been almost 2 months.
Waiting on Jul 27th to try it again.
I want that increased performance headroom to run higher VR settings.

Used it once after the last update and haven’t touched it since. Too busy with other commitments.

About a month. After the May update I had a bug that made it pretty unplayable for me. Had to wait until it was fixed.

Zero! because retired, addicted, on virtually every day, and great patience ( and optimism) for continuing improvements and additions. Cheers


That’s not true, at all. “Most people”, myself included, have perfectly acceptable performance while flying the A32NX, which I do frequently. Yes, Paris is an issue, I don’t know about the other two cities you listed. But the solution is not to stop flying the sim, it’s to stop flying to Paris, and possibly in your case, Amsterdam and Frankfurt.

I’ve flown that particular b1rd, and many others, all over the world, including such heavy scenery areas as KLAX, KCLT, KJFK, and many others with acceptable performance.

So please don’t assume that your issues translates to “most people”. It doesn’t.


Say wut?

Also, I don’t get the dig against IFR flying. I’m a real life IFR certified pilot (though not of A320s, as in the pic above), and I’ve flown plenty of IFR in the sim, without problems aside from systems (specific GPS units as an example) with which I am (or in most cases, now was) unfamiliar. Then again, I’m not breaking out a calculator and proclaiming that since the 172 is using 0.4 gph less than what the POH says, that IFR flying is broken. (Just an example, I have no idea if that is the case or not.) Can you explain your issues to me, perhaps I might be able to help.

Thanks, and good luck. The 29th is getting closer and closer…


Its been about 2 weeks but thats because Im playing other games like Ghost Recon Wildlands, Far Cry 5 etc. I’ve been using X-Plane 11 for B738 flying. MSFS is just awesome for low & slow GA but I prefer XP for the airliners - although I admit I miss the MSFS visuals on takeoff & landing! However Im starting to get that itch to fire up MSFS. My absolute favorite plane is the Grand Caravan and I wanna get back into some FedEx deliveries and some Susi Air (Indonesia) flights! Happy flights to all.

Hi all,

It’s probably been several weeks since I’ve used MSFS. I tend to do more “simming” in the winter when the weather is lousy. This time of year I’d rather get off my butt and enjoy the outdoors. I really like MSFS and check in daily to this site, however unlike some here, this sim isnt my life and other more important issues crop up and need my attention.
Happy landings !!!



For me it was almost 5 months. Too many mistakes, wasn’t fun