Whats the reccomended graphics for my my rig

2023-06-15 19_56_34-GeForce Experience

Hi there,

We ask that people not use General Discussion for help, advice, or troubleshooting. I have moved your post to Tech Talk, where you can talk about things like settings and graphics.

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I’ll answer anyway …

Graphics ultra except maybe clouds to high, traffic 40% (or less), T-LOD 200 is a good place to start
Raise or lower T-LOD to not stutter depending on what you are flying, where you fly to and what other apps or mods you have loaded … in bios enable XMP and PBO and if all you do is gaming disable virtualisation and SMT. If you still need more fps use DLSS and adjust T-LOD as necessary.

will do thank you

Good luck.

And while I’m here I’ll just mention turning off SMT might not be such a good thing if you have other apps running and not recommended at all for any less than 8 core / 16 thread processors (e.g. 6 core 3600X, 5600X)

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