What's up with all the "generic" type traffic flying around?

Why do I constantly hear ATC telling me it’s type “generic”…what a buzz kill.

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That usually happens when the ATC cannot identify the aircraft type, in FSX they used the designator “Experimental”

Thank you, sounds like something that can be fixed. I have been flying a lot of long trips and I hear it a lot.

Turn off radios :wink:

I have only ever heard “generic” and on a couple of occasions “airbus”. It’s not a good look. Can anything be done to change this currently? FSX with Ultimate Traffic was so much more immersive from this point of view.

Turn the ATC and radio off its a buzz-kill in general. imo
I never fly with it, it´s just outright terrible. Use Vatsim for real ATC immersion. I don´t think PilotEdge is working with MSFS 2020 yet but i guess it will soon be available.

Rarely, but I do hear it. Usually while in the pattern, and I’ll be told I’m behind a generic aircraft, usually disappointment follows as I don’t see a hot air balloon on final.

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Currently no. Maybe a fix later, or if somebody overhauls the ATC it can be fixed. I turn it off though so I don’t hear it. It’s too annoying/distracting, and it interferes with what I want to do.

I solved this by going to the bottom of the graphics setting in Options and clicking use generic models (AI Traffic) to “Off”

Is this the option for that ? That should load more detailed aircrafts in the SIM, a framerate issue. But this is not the Generic one in ATC, or ?

I’m flying in Easter Europe. It’s nothing but calls to Generic flight x you are x thousand feet above/below your assigned altitude. They are zooming around in weird patterns near big airports. That can’t be live traffic.

I saw big airlines flying those generic Bonanzas. This should definitely get fixed.