What's with Ireland?

Hello everyone,

I have noticed that when i fly GA in VR over Ireland, the flight is always very smooth.

As compared to recent flight locations, such as Seattle (near Mount Rainier), Sweden (around Arlanda area) and also south of England, there were stutters but playable. While Ireland was completely smooth !

I’ve got PG on, and i use a gtx 1080, ryzen 53600, 16 gb ram with a quest 2.

Thanks if anyone has a logical explanation.

My guess would be that there is a lot more barren grass land and a lot less trees in Ireland. It’s the same when you fly in the desert of Arizona, Nevada etc. You get much better performance there as well, because you only get a few shrubs here and there (and less buildings too).

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Thanks, yes indeed, a lot more trees in these region and I have a GTX 1080.
Will try and compare in desertic regions to see the difference.

I think it’s the Guinness. Smooth and lovely. :wink:


Ireland in VR is indeed very beautiful - Not that many airports, but quite well represented.

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Both Bing and Google maps have problems with sporadic colour changes. Some bright green next to some dark green, trees all over the coast near Connemara, Killarney lakes looking odd etc.

Much newer data needed! ORBX was going to re-do it but there were licensing cost issues I believe. They were horrendous and not viable economically.

I would greatly appreciate a tree “density” control. There are many areas that have way too many trees so the performance suffers needlessly.

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The scenery prior to the UK & Ireland WU was far superior to the data they replaced it with. Could they restore Ireland to pre WU3?

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