Extra info - As I have the same Canterbury cathedral problem I just approached it again in a helicopter, slowing right down till the ‘damage’ occurred. Then backed off till it corrected itself. Then I zoomed inwards with the mouse wheel - and the damage occuirred again. Does this extra info help analyse the problem?
Just confirmed this issue myself. At least for me, Caterbury Cathedral looks fine from medium-long distances, but as I get closer it switches to a low LOD 3d model. See the screenshots below:
Medium distance, looking correct:
Close distance, looking blocky and low resolution:
I’ll check our bug tracking tool to see if this is already a known issue. If not, I’ll create a new bug report for it. I don’t imagine this will be triaged as a high-priority bug, though, so no promises on how soon this will be fixed.
Exactly what I get. Thank you so much guys for your efforts in testing this issue, now I know I’m not alone with this one.
André Vaillancourt
Just to add - I also see this for a couple of buildings in central London.
Specifically - One Blackfriars, St Pauls Cathedral and the walkie talkie and occasionally the houses of parliament.
It’s not consistent though so I’m not sure it’s an issue with messed up LODs, more like the loading of the highest level LOD fails or is slow to stream in.
Introduced in one of the recent updates (the one where they added the terrain caching options). Was fine before then.
It happens to builings in others city too. I’ve noticed it at Venice (Italy) on buildins by the lagoon.
I think yours is a different issue.
In the Canterbury Cathedral, the image is correct, just the textures aren’t there.
Yours, the images aren’t good.
Do you have the rolling cache enabled?
If so empty it and try.
This can also be caused by bandwidth issues.
Hi, I have Steam on PC with auto updates and saw Canterbury Cathedral blocky when near to it a couple days ago. But after seeing many complaints mine is working perfectly again.
This ever get fixed? - I’ve just come across it (at Canterbury) - if I move in with the drone I can block and render at will by moving forwards and backwards a foot or so.
Ive just Googled MSFS and Canterbury as I’ve been doing a little tour of the south coast of England in a helicopter and came up the east coast. Decided to head west towards London when I noticed Canterbury on the Navigraph map. I thought to myself “oh theres a cathedral there ill check it out”. Like others have said for over a year now it looks great at a distance, or at a height, but closer or lower the LOD goes to pot and it looks like a load of cardboard boxes
Fixed in World Update UK & Ireland