I dont know whats wrong but i cant choose any approach in ALL airports now…
Anyone can help me?
i only see AUTOMATIC…
I dont know whats wrong but i cant choose any approach in ALL airports now…
Anyone can help me?
i only see AUTOMATIC…
No idea why it’s not working for you, you’re also missing the IFR waypoints ORA and ORSUP
I didnt see it bro but then i will check, im installing the game again…
Maybe try with the default livery. It seems crazy, but some people have fixed totally unrelated issues by removing non default liveries
Were you a Navigraph user?
the default MSFS Navdata is disabled… this could happen if you previously installed 3rd party navdata (e.g. Navigraph)
Just saying that i reinstalled the game and problem fixed.
Thank you guys anyway
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