What's wrong with MSFS 2024? Be specific

I am curious what exactly is going on with this new release. I have not purchased it yet. That decision is based on the majority of comments about MSFS 2024 that I have read so far, so I doubt I’ll be purchasing it for quite some time.

However, can you share feedback that is more specific about what you are experiencing? The company bashing commentary and angry, disappointed feelings are heartfelt and being conveyed quite well but what I’m looking for is your experience each time you try to do something.

Like for example, can you load the sim? If not, how many times did you try before you said I’ve had enough?

If the sim does load up for you, then what happened next? Where are the stopping points?

Were you in career mode, free flight, competitive game elements, etc?

I think if we all concentrate on posting our experience with what is not working and be specific on that information, that will give the community, information to use on what they can expect to contend with. But more importantly, it will tell the moderators the information that can be shared with the actual developers so they know what is being problematic.

Or on the positive side, what is working for you and does it work consistently?

So, with the frustration level going up and up, keep trying to pass on information about how bad it is, but don’t just air out your feelings about it, try to document the issues you’re encountering so that not only will they see what people are experiencing, maybe they’ll realize where the shortcomings of the product are at. Starting up, loading the menus, career mode, whatever. Tell them where you were at and what you were attempting to do when the sim crashed to desktop.

And also, please post if you’re using a PC or console.

I’d like to think that hearing the masses explain what’s not working would motivate them along much more than “This product sucks” over and over again. Let them know specifically what is not working.

Thank you for considering this, that’s all.


I’d suggest reading the forums. There are plenty of topics about specific issues without having to list them for your convenience.


Might be quicker to list what’s right with it.


Oh this isn’t for my convenience, and I’ve been reading forum posts since day one of release, I just wanted to see if maybe there’s anything that really stands out as a failure. Besides the overall product at this time!

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The one thing that stands out for me is that they released it 6 months before it was going to be ready. Probably because it had a year in the name.


Absolutely. It’s hard to gauge any pattern because it’s so random and widespread. Hard to fathom really.

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I would always want to have the same info as you… (unbiased, complete, etc… Won’t happen.)

Solution (for me): buying into it and finding it out for myself if i like it for what it is.

I feel sorry for those who miss out because negativity of others.
I feel (a bit less) sorry for those who did and found out that they are unhappy with the product.

In short:

  • If you’re sceptic / anxious: Don’t.
  • If you’re adventurous / fault tolerant: Do it.
  • If there is money to burn: Do it.
  • If not: Don’t.

Thanks for bringing to our attention some important if somewhat ‘inconvenient observations’ and we’re confident that these matters will be addressed asap.

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The program is great.

The MS/Asobo network was overloaded and crashed which created a tsunami of collateral damage. The network is dramatically faster now, so many issues that caused toys to be thrown out are history.

In the UK I can see airports being loaded up to 200-300 Mbps in Task Manager. And I’ve set my rolling cache at 128 GB - we just need info on cache used and spare capacity in % and GB, and ways to remove unused big stuff.


More and more it’s apparent that this product is seriously flawed beyond anyone’s worst suspicions really. If this was a shiny new vehicle release from a major vehicle manufacturer, there would be an immediate recall for obvious safety concerns.


Glad to see that there might actually be some positive results.

Also don’t take all the You Tube doom-mongers seriously. A lot of what they say about 2024 is out of date. Things literally change daily.


It should be called “Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Simulator”. Right now discovering bugs and developing workarounds is the most engaging part of the sim it seems. It’s like finding bugs and discovering/posting cheap workarounds is actually some kind of game challenge within the sim.

I sure wouldn’t buy it as a Christmas present for a loved one. Not this year.


I am of the opposite opinion as you are. You don’t have it so what is apparent? To me it is apparent that i enjoyed it massively over the whole weekend. An absoute joy it was.

So read all the rage and believe it - or change your ways. I don’t really care. I focus on what is good for me.



You don’t believe the rage?

  1. Stability, too much CTDs
  2. Performance, there is something wrong with their DX12 support and VRAM usage.
  3. UI is too big, can’t make it smaller.
  4. Strange livery selection menu that forgets the last livery used each time you start the sim.
  5. A lot of other smaller issues

If we get at least the top 3 fixed before christmas i will be happy.


It is overblown - self propelled - not consistent with my experience.


This am I can’t even load the game. I had one CTD after the game got to start screen.

Now it hangs, and I am unable to alt tab to even see progress.

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I played mostly career - I have bugs in almost every single flight. Some minor some mayor. Its inducing a lot of rage because you cant avoid them.


I mean, there are hundreds of threads…

For me personally:

  • GPU is the new mainthread: my 3090 is barely sufficient for 3440x1440 / Ultra and gets hammered even in the menus
  • ATC regression: it tries to send you into orbit, ATC window doesn’t stick to the latest message, font is too big…
  • No improvement in DLSS as for blurriness/ghosting and bad water rendering
  • Unstable: it always freezes upon exit after a long flight (my PC is rock stable and many others reported this) and sometimes CTD in flight
  • Draw distance of ground objects and ships is a few meters, surely worse than MSFS. Everything pops out in front of you!
  • Many textures are missing on aircraft and handcrafted buildings, which appear pink
  • No improvement (if not pure regression) in AI traffic and airport nonsense with respect to MSFS
  • … see the other 1,000 threads