More people buy this game, more servers overload. EVERY weekend this game unflyable, either PG servers or weather servers the game is pretty much useless. Everyone with a bit of brain knows about this situation. Is this becoming a part-time game? How about investing in your servers so the client (me and others) can actually get what’s paid for?
I pretty much know this topic will be deleted or shadow banned. But it’s started, me and others like me will share this everywhere, everyday.
There is a topic about server issues at the moment: Server issues online functionality, as well as repeated Connection Lost messages after the Sim Update 11: Online Services Unreachable 11/11/2022+
You should also always look here if you have server issues: Online Services Monitoring. There is currently an issue with Multiplayer at the moment.
I have also been wondering about this because I have also noticed that I seem to get online interruptions during weekends and Friday evenings. Microsoft do apparently monitor online services and report that services are “operational”. However, it is not really clear what that really means and it might be more useful and transparent if MS could tell us what their standard of service level is and perhaps give us some actual metrics such as per cent of service requests met. Not sure if MSFS is using dedicated servers or whether it is just using the MS XBox gaming servers. Either way they might be able to provide a little more information on service levels. -,
Also, PC users want a separate version from Xbox version, because with every update looks are getting worse and worse. It’s done to raise performance for x-box users. I got a high end rig, I don’t want this cut-off version. Check pictures of photogrammetry a year ago and see what you have now, just dig through the forum
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