Hi guys, the weather in the sim is amazing but still haven’t seen any single CB clouds around. Are they working on this or it will be a limitation of live weather?
Hi guys, the weather in the sim is amazing but still haven’t seen any single CB clouds around. Are they working on this or it will be a limitation of live weather?
Hello @DankestGecko198,
While I can’t answer your question if cumulonimbus clouds are being worked on, I do know that the entire weather system is still a work in progress.
There is a wish on those clouds here if you wish to participate:
Was flying in Baja California earlier today, around 5500ft in C172. Had my head “in the cockpit” checking out the VORs - then looked up just as I flew into a black, nasty looking CB. The weather had suddenly changed around me when I wasn’t looking (lesson to learn there) and I’d entered an area of humongous clouds, actually quite beautiful to see. However no turbulence or heavy rain; IRL the wings would probably have been ripped off!
So they ARE there, just not realistic enough as yet.
This is exactly my main concern about FS: no weather effects at all when entering clouds/thunderstorms. I really hope they are working on this, otherwise it can’t be called a flight simulator…
A thread already exists for that request: Realistic Dangerous Weather - Physics Simulation - #71 by whiffy7496