Where Has All The Vegetation Gone?

This is not the beautiful English countryside I thought I would be flying over when I bought this game.
(For the Fanboys) Settings mostly ultra.


Because of your ‘fanboys’ comment. I suggest it would be better if you go back to x-plane or the other sim you have loved and look for your missing vegetation there.


I do love the forum police. It’s good to know who owns the place. :roll_eyes:

Player: Where is this, and what vegitation are you expecting? Trees? In my opinion, the UK has a little too much vegitation, especially in and around towns, and on runways. There are worse issues to be dealt with than too many/too few trees, but let’s see if they get round to updating it sometime soon.

It will be interesting to hear about what is happening in the Japan update - although, I’m guessing Japanese simmers frequent this forum to give their opinions in English are going to be few in number.


We all want to see flowers and coconut trees but at the moment seems to possible :wink:

LOL. For our amusing complainers on every thread FS2020rc2 must also be a tree/bush simulator, too much, too little, too tall, too short.
P.S. Japanese are very polite and their culture prohibits unsocial behaviour. Hopefully they will soon join us in vast numbers to praise where earned and make constructive comments where necessary.


Never owned or played any other version of FS or X-plane. I bought this purely on Microsoft’s Marketing and clearly what I paid for was not what they were advertising.


If you feel you have a valid complaint for lack of warranted qualities, you may have reason to make a complaint against the seller/reseller of the software license (MS, Steam, Aerosoft.) and not the company that was contracted by MS to develop the software. Suggest you get legal advice before some complainers demands that Asobos sends all its developers out to identify the location of each bush, tree, grass leaf, measure the height, width, determine the health, species of every bush/tree, etc.
That might delay/hinder important development work.
I am with you on this because there are several trees on my estate that are not correctly depicted in FS2020rc2 despite Ultra settings and online data.

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This thread is not about you , or me for that matter , it is a statement of fact.
Again , This product is Not the one that was advertised.


There is a very big difference between the amount of vegetation FS displays and what some of us are used too seeing on other platforms. From my local airport for example which is EGGD, looking south from runway 09, the trees start to disappear from around Wrington onwards. In XP I can zoom and see trees on the Mendip hills which is a lot further away.

I dont know why FS have limited the draw distance for trees as much as they have but many of us feel that it was probably a decision based on trying to improve performance when in fact adding a setting so we can manually adjust draw distance would have been preferable. At least then we would have had a choice and could tweak settings accordingly.

It is what it is for now I am afraid.


This thread is on a forum where all can give their opinions, seek help or discuss things.
You gave your opinion and I gave you mine. We do not have to agree.
You implied IMO that you were disappointed due to lack of warranted product qualities and did not know who to complain to about that or where/how to get your money back. I gave you some help, also to make sure that you knew that there was a difference between lack of warranted product qualities and shortfall in personal expectation from a product.
But never mind. However, as you have made a serious allegation against MS, please elaborate.
Which MS marketing action or advertisement are you referring to?
Having made the post, I assume you want to share those details with all readers. Thank you in advance.

I would expect and suggest, if it hasn’t been done already, that one go to the original Feature Discovery Series and compare what’s conveyed through them to what’s in the delivered product.

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Don’t be shy, present the facts to prove your allegation yourself.

Both England and New Zealand are my Homes , Both are islands of Outstanding beauty unless you live in the cites , i love them both equally but in different ways.

Your very first response was to tell the OP to go somewhere else. You go on to state that you’re entitled to give your opinion but I put it to you that although you may be very old, you are not very nice and need to appreciate that other people are allowed opinions as well without having to prove their reasoning to you.


I think we all know the answer to that :wink:

You are of course totally wrong. Please read posts correctly. Please also read the forum rules. On-topic opinions are permitted. Personal attacks like yours are not. If you do not like a post, ignore it and move on.

That’s funny, that’s what I just said to you.


Thank you for moving on. LOL

Again - veering back on topic - Where was your screenshot from Player? If you tell us, we can go take a look and see if our experience matches yours - sometimes settings are to blame.

I envy you, thanks to good ole msfs2020 and Microsoft, flying in new York for first time yesterday really had me fantasizing about jumping on a plane and going there.

Never been to east coast.

The same with your beautiful countries… I would in a heartbeat love to go visit New Zealand, England…