Asobo/MS Promis in the Oceania World Update
Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:scenery-packs
No announcement was made for a World Update to Oceania, so it’s unclear where you’re getting this information from regarding a “promise.” No such commitment has been made.
Third shot in this post sure looks like the Four Seasons Bora Bora to me.
Edit: I’ll have to ask where he got that scenery - my Four Seasons is sunk…
YES… but it’s underwater, same as many boats and docks in the MSFS
Its the Bijan Studio – Project: Islands, Sunken Boats, Huts, PG Trees addon that gives you the Tiki huts.
This is the Aerosoft Society Islands… but not for MSFS…
It’s incredible MS/Asobo can´t do some better in the French Polinesa like hotels, boats and docks underwater…
If you backread, the Blackshark AI can’t create autogen assets for boats, etc., as it’s relying on direct overhead sat photos coupled with Machine Learning to recognize patterns such as building types and run that through autogen. It has to extrapolate what the asset might look like at an oblique angle to determine height, thickness, etc.
Something as complex as Tiki Huts linked by wooden docks and walkways would need to be hand created as a POI. This is simply a limitation of current AI.
That’s why Bijan has a market, but it’s also why he has to place all this by hand and build or obtain model assets to meet ship types etc.
The huts and boats pack requires his four seasons pack first. That’s almost $45 US to get some tiki huts. I find that hard to justify right now.
Yes agreed, its hard to swallow, especially considering some of these things should have made it into the sim, maybe they might one day.
Well, that and the fact that both apps are absolute game changers as far as the sim is concerned and worth every penny.
The sim looks soooo much better with Bijan’s stuff installed it’s not funny.
This item was delivered in World Update 13: Oceania (