Where is Checklist for Britten Norman Trislander?

This plane was on my wishlist and with todays discount i bought it but i have a problem. When i hit Cecklist nothing appears and i cant start nor use the Trislander. Did went something wrong with download? Or does it has no Checklist at all? Without a checklist i will refund the airplane. But i cannot believe that there is an airplane without checklist.

Have you read the manual located in the aircraft folder? Also, I think the checklist is in the same place as the BN2, if you look right in the cockpit, is it located in the pocket beside the right hand seat?

There is no pocket in the cockpit. That means cause they did not implement a checklist i have to open a pdf and read it?

Reading the manual is a good idea before flying any aircraft.

Until now i always used the checklists implemented in the airplanes and had no problems. If an airplane has now intern checklist implemented i will refund it. I am actually looking into the pdf and thats far too much work for just flying a little bit. But thanks for the information.

I even take a look and followed a vid by JayDee. The engines did not started. I better refund this airplane.