The autopilot buttons require push/pull to activate functions. When I hover my mouse pointer over them I don’t get a push pull option so I can’t activate the right autopilot modes.
I have read that I need to enable legacy control mode but I can’t find the setting, can anyone help please?
Hold LMB to lock to that control. Now your mouse will not affect any other controls or other mouse bindings
Move the mouse left to turn the knob left, move it right to turn the knob right (with LMB held down)
Alternatively, use the scroll wheel while holding LMB down to turn the knob left or right
To push a control in, lock to the control using LMB and then right click
Legacy Mode:
Point to a knob
Use scroll wheel down or up to rotate the knob clockwise and counter-clockwise respectively
Click above it to push the knob. Click under it to pull the knob.
If you love overengineered things over a simple point and click process. I actually admired your patience and your drive to challenge yourself to the limit.
I didn’t say “all” mouse users, I just said “for mouse users”. Isn’t it the reason why this thread existed in the first place? OP wanted to know how to get out of the Lock mode and change back to Legacy mode. Which suggest that OP doesn’t like Lock mode.
This isn’t the first thread about this topic. There have been a number of threads about people disliking the Lock mode when they are mouse users and wanted to know how to go back to the way it was.
Lock mode was introduced to make it more usable for Xbox players since most of them would be using xbox controllers. But Asobo made it the default option for everyone. And it throw away a lot of people the first time it was introduced.
Even the Release Notes for that Sim Update details how they introduced the control modes and how to switch between them. Most people who have read it would know how to change them immediately. Those who don’t usually post a thread and a lot of us contribute to the discussion by linking it to the release notes with the guide on how to change it back.
I’m just looking at a trend here. The “trend” here is that mouse users tend to switch to Legacy mode, hence the number of threads being raised on how to change it back. That suggest that there must be a reason why they wanted to move away from Lock mode. That doesn’t mean that everyone finds it annoying as you point out that you love lock mode as a mouse user. I’m just saying that statistically speaking, you’re not part of the common trend on what most people think about it.