Where is the ATC window?

Missing ATC. The ATC window has disappeared. Does anyone know how to fix it? Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.

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I don’t quite know the origin of your problem, but I suggest the ATC window might have been inactivated somehow. When in the cockpit, access the flight menu bar at the top of the screen and click on the settings button on the very far right. You should see all the available window options listed. Make sure the ATC window is activated.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, please provide some more details and we might be able to provide more help.

Inside the cabin I open the toolbar but the ATC option is gray and I cannot activate it.

Radio communications have also disappeared.

Here’s the toolbar … I can’t activate ATC

Fixed up. I have reset the defaults and the ATC window has returned. Thanks for your comment.

Does resetting also reset all your flight control s, not willing to reset them as ive spent alot of time getting them back to how i like them, so there gas to be another option to get the atc to show up.