Where to find charts all over the world

Hey Every One,

I need charts but more specifically a central repositories of charts (especially airport specific ones; i.e. terrain warning, ILS, taxi maps, etc.) for any place around the world. Every one knows Navigraph, Navair, Chart Fox, Skyvector but I stay away from sub based plans whenever possible and I find the others lacking in foreign (not US) countries (particularly Asia). So please list whatever sites you use for charts and what parts of the world they cover. Maybe this can help any one else who sees this and is flying in Asia, South Pacific, etc. Thanks.

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I use SkyVector:


Skyvector is another one of those I find lacking in data for other countries in particular Asia. I will reedit to include this.

As far as I know, pretty much all en-route (worldwide) and US airport charts can be found on https://www.skyvector.com

For airport charts in other parts of the world, many countries upload their AIP to a website. Although it may require a login, (limited) access is usually free, and easily found if you search for “country name AIP”.

EDIT: You can find all the European AIPs together at https://www.ead.eurocontrol.int; provided you have a free login. This way, you only need one login, instead of multiple country-specific ones.

Finally, if you search for “Airport ICAO code charts”, you’ll often find someone has shared charts on a personal, virtual airline, online network, … website.


Not airport charts specifically, but this site is useful for VFR, but is only US territory based.


I’ve always been able to find charts and approach plates for any overseas airport or area by just googling the icao and “approach plates”.

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For free VFR charts of most of Europe (not airport specific though) I use Openflightmaps:


Type “[ICAO code] charts” into google.


I look on the local civil aviation authority web site. T hey should make all charts available to the public. At least they do in South Africa

So I did an ICAO google job for a rando airport in Vietnam (VVTS) I got Pilot Nav which points me to payware, SimPlates X Ultra. This happens every time I fly in Asia and by the time I find an approach plate I am looking for for free the controller on VATSIM has logged off already. Is Simplates really payware? Also if I am going to pay for something it might as well be Navigraph right?

This is what I got.

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https://chartfox.org/ is quite good

Have you tried the airmate app. It has up to date nav cycle for free and can get it on Android or iOS it has plates from all over the world. The site is airmate.aero. you can also download a program that puts your aircraft on the moving map. https://github.com/nguyenquyhy


Just found this YouTube vid about it. https://youtu.be/Pgm2prcrCnI

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Airmate is very cool.

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That looks amazing

i use Air Mate free app for phone

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to me, Navigraph is best…ok 10 bucks a month, but worth it…you get everything you need…create your own flightplan, add, delete waypoints, Sid and star charts, airports maps, etc etc…great value for money.

Very nice!! Now I don’t have to scour all over the net to find the charts :slight_smile:

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Another shout for Navigraph with moving map displays on chart, but it comes with a price. To me is worth every penny to have Jeppeson SIDS, STARS, taxi, airport diagram, high and low enroute charts for the world.