Where to non-default 3d objects go?

Sorry for the dumb question - I’ve only been using the default objects that came with MSFS for scenery design.

Looking through the SDK docs, I haven’t found the info…

When we download or create 3d objects for use in scenery layout (as SimObjects, I assume), where do they go?


The Asset Creation SDK go into details. It´s not copy and paste though. You can import your object into blender, then export it using the blender plugin for MSFS.

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Thanks - I took a look there, but still don’t see where the objects actually go.

I’ve downloaded some models of cars, for example… where do I put them?

You cannot simply put them somewhere for them to appear in the game, if that´s what you mean.

You need to transform your models into game assets (your own model library) following the description in the SDK.

You import your model into blender, add textures, effects etc, export your asset using the asobo msfs exporter for blender. I´m sure there are several videos of people creating simple assets around.

Yes - understood. I’m asking where I put already-created assets (such as ones that may be downloaded from places like flightsim.to) so that they are available in the editor.

Pretty much everything from fligthsim.to goes into community
Once there is available for placement (of course when you place them, if you want to share your work, other users needs to have those assets installed as well)

Some specific assets on .to may have different rules indicated in their readme (those sharing the source models)

Ok, thanks.

Where are the default assets located? I thought I’d be putting downloaded assets in the same place.

They are in the Official folder, which you do not want to mess with. The Community folder is the way to go.

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Ok, cool - this worked, but I guess my follow-up question is whether the original models need to stay in the Community folder?

Yes, they need to stay there

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