Which Aircraft are at the top of your wishlist for third-party devs to make?

Fenix Airbus P2F.

Here for example an A320 P2F:

A321 with CFM looks kinda strange… but the most important thing is it´s a Fenix A321 P2F.
Choosing the inferior and not-so-stylish engine type shalt be forgiven for some airlines :smiley: as long as this beautyful airbrush with the starfield is on the engine nacelles too.

This beauty was just flying around my town


Nice - we often get them landing here just opposite my place. Went inside one at the Armed Forces day last year but it’s wasn’t here at this years one.

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All that effort to get to the airport, go through security checks/the TSA inquisition…just to get a bus.

Then thinking to yourself, I’d like to recreate that 90-minute drive from KPHL to some small town in Pennsylvania in MSFS.

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I’d pay good money for a E145.


After putting in 50 hours on the Comanche, I am hoping they do the Bonanza. Looks like their p3D version was excellent.

If only someone would do this experimental Porsche Flamingo…


I really need a study level Crj 100/200 with a walkable interior

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Speaking of walkable interiors, my one true wish is for a fully explorable, study level B-17F Memphis Belle:


Microprose are remaking the Flying Fortress game. Should be out “fairly soon”. I know it’s not what you meant but it should be pretty detailed and —- maybe fun!?

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I just saw an article from the Smithsonian Magazine on the only surviving AR-234 on display at Udvar-Hazy. I don’t think it would be very practical as a sim plane, but it would be pretty amazing historically if a dev could partner with the Smithsonian to get into the plane and replicate the visuals and systems for the first jet bomber ever produced.

There was an interesting YouTube video linked that I had not seen before, either.

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There is a flyable Ar 234 B-2 available with IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Normandy.

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I want to see either Just Flight or PMDG’s take on modern regional jets.

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Or personally something like the Comet Airliner by PMDG or JustFlight





There is a freeware T-37 which is pretty good if I remember correctly.

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With Just Flight’s list of high quality aircraft, I wonder if they would ever consider doing an in house Concorde to the same detail as their other aircraft? I know they are publisher for the DC Designs version and the FS Labs one is potentially coming to MSFS at some point, I know I certainly would be a willing buyer

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They are not the Publisher - just a store you can get it on.

Just Flight did make their own Concorde for FS2004 though. I flew this a LOT back in the day!


I want a reboot of European Air War.


BE20 could be nice

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