I’d like to see a DeHaviland Super Chipmunk with an Art Schol livery
Ditto love that screaming down the Thames
Lockheed Constellation
Grumman Bearcat
Sikorsky JRS-1
Ford Tri-Motor
Spartan Executive
A2A Simulations Piper Comanche 250.
Evektor Sportstar or Harmony. I flew one this past weekend…
#evektor #lesgainous #lk2prgm #sportstar #harmony #ev97
Here is a good one for you. Short field performance, twin turboprop, phenomenal visibility, aerobatic, 280 knots (ish) and military as well. Put a civilian avionics fit into it and you would be made for a good while.
Got it yet?
The FMA Pucara.
Would like
CM170 Fouga Magister
DH100 Vampire
Hawker Hunter
Morane-Saulnier 893 Rallye
Anything A2A. Getting tired of waiting for Asobo/Microsoft to quit screwing with them so they can release a plane with accusim.
I am on Xbox and would likely pay for
Honda Jet
Cirrus Jet
Agree, DC-3/C47 are very iconic planes, in my opinion, more so than the Junkers52.
FlightFX and VolcTech announce Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet for MSFS
I would love to see a Boeing 717!
Lots of regional A/C: a B1900, Erj-135/145, the Majestic Q400 etc.
But also really some classics like the DC-9/B727/B737-200.
for me a PC-12NG & Tecnam Traveller would be great
A study level Global Express XRS or 6000 would be great (I fly an XRS IRL). When it comes to sims I am mostly interested in older aircraft with some history to them. I’d love to see a Boeing 314 Clipper (which I guess is coming), a study level DC3/C47 and a Lockheed Constellation.
My current list
Ikarus C42
Kodiak 100 (coming near future)
Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6
Bell 429 or similar
McDonnell Douglas Harrier II
If someone needs 3D model of Murphy Moose SR 2500/3500, I have one. My uncle flies one of them and we love it!
I was a huge fan of the Ready for Pushback 747-200 addon on FS9 so a 747-200 addon for MSFS is at the top of my wish list
I agree! Same here but Id like to see an Aeromexico livery for the 777, also do y’all know how to download and install it on Xbox s? Sorry new to this platform, old timer with the FS game for pc, but xbox seems cheaper.