Outside of the very nice looking freeware option on .to, I noticed two payware products for Bergen Flesland (ENBR) - one by “RDPresets”, and one by “Salvuz”.
Which one is deemed better by the community?
They appear to be very similar, and the only comparison I could find online just had a vague “they each do things better than the other”.
To help narrow things down, you could try the freeware one first, and if you don’t like it, just delete it from your community folder.
I find with many of these things theres no right or wrong answer, its just personal preference.
Just checking in case there is a more obvious disparity between the two payware options for those users that have tried both. (As we’ve seen from a few other competing airport products already, usually with a clear “winner” that comes out on top). Thanks.
Reputation-wise, I’d say RD have the win. I’ve not seen much fanfare surrohnding Salvuz and they appear to be connected to another dev (I forget which but they specifically mention them in some of their marketing bumf).
But who knows? Some of the smaller devs make some really nice stuff (e.g. Burning Blue, Northern Sky).
Anyone able to offer an account of either, now they’ve both been on sale a couple days?
The general (but very loose) consensus is that the RDP is more detailed but Salvuz a better performer. To be honest both look great and each seems to present something the other doesn’t (e.g. the rockface where the ‘Bergen?’ sign is looks more detailed in the Salvuz).
I can’t speak for the Salvuz but I just got the RDP version and it’s excellent. It only has a 3.5 rating on the Marketplace but I’ve no idea why as it’s certainly a lot closer to 5!
It did have an update at the end of last year that seems to have addressed an awful lot so I suspect those reviews are from before that update. Framerates are very good (just some very minor stuttering when near the terminal on my Xbox Series X) and the ground clutter is incredible — I don’t think I’ve ever seen such variety and it’s all in pretty decent res too! The jetways work beautifully, the night-lighting is really authentic and the terminal interior is really nice, if not slightly repetitive in places.