Which big radials have realistic engine damage?

On xbox I miss more realistic radials in my hangar - stock Goose, Beaver and Dc-3 are build too much in God-mode style to give me enough satisfaction. What about Big Radials planes are they any better? Anything else? Which plane has realistic engine (and other equipment) operations and faliures (overheating, leaning, icing, electric, etc)? As for now I have dc-6 on whish list but still need some smaller one for bush trips. thx

The gold standard for radial engine management is the Denarq mod for the Asobo/Carenado Beech 18.

Edit: Oops, I didn’t take into account you are on Xbox. I’m not sure if anything in the Marketplace has the depth you are looking for, but you might enjoy the Wilga.


The Big Radials Goose has engine failures. I’m actually not sure how to trigger them, I don’t think they’re random failures, but only under specific conditions.

I can’t recall if it’s on Xbox though…

Wilga from Got Friends has engine damage

I’d be interested in this too. I know the Wilga does, but I’m more interested in the Goose and Norseman from Big Radials at the moment. The Goose product page says:

engine failures, fire and smoke if you don’t look after them in flight!

But it doesn’t really mention anything in the manual.

Yeah it’s quite prone to engine fire if you push it at high torque for too long. Doesn’t take much! Caught me out a few times. Need to back off asap after take off.

Not sure I’ve seen the same in the Norseman though.