Which flight planner and Favourite Moving Map you use?

Which flight planner do yo use and why?

Also, do you have a favourite Moving Map you use?

Personally my requirements are quite simple and I use the MSFS Worldmap for flight planning and my favorite moving map is Plan G

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Littlenavmap for both.


Simbrief because msfs flight planner is horrible.

Navigraph for procedures and maps.

Littlenavmap for taxi because msfs exposed parkings and signs are wrong.


Navigraph & SimBrief.

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Simbrief for flight planning
Littlenavmap for pre-flight briefing
AirMate for paperless cockpit charts
fshub.io for live map, post-flight analysis and logging


I use SkyDemon because it’s used in the real world (especially for VFR) and i like realism.

Multiple, depending on mission:

For GA Flights:

  • ForeFlight because it is what I use in the real airplane and provides all the real-world data I need including full, official FAA briefings.

For Airliner Flights:

  • FlightAware - To get actual airliner schedule and route to fly/flown.

  • ForeFlight - I import flight plan from FlightAware into ForeFlight to leverage the power of ForeFlight. This is a one click action. From here I can request a real FAA Briefing which displays on the ForeFlight iPad app.

  • SimBrief - If I want to simulate dispatching a full flight and integrate plan directly to aircraft flight management system.

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Little Navmap

Depends for me.

If in the US and flying by the book on Vatsim, I’ll use Foreflight for everything. If outside the US, and doing some sight seeing…Little Nav Map and Navigraph.

I always have Simtoolkitpro running and tracking my flights and landings.


Wish they could update it more for MSFS though

Navigraph for the navdata update as a mod which will replace the default navdata. And for consulting the chart.

Default built-in world map flight planning tool for simple and easy to use and guarantee to work everytime.

Volanta for flight tracking history and the moving map.

And Youtube livestreaming for real-time flight log that I can revisit whenever I need to do some analysis.

Thank you all for your replies… very interesting and certainly some Apps mentioned I’d not heard of before and will be checking them out.

I’ve had a look at many of them but in the end came down to Little Navmap for it’s ability to cover most things - well, enough for me, especially with the additional map overlays. I use a VFR Map addon for more info when I’m sight-seeing. The professional stuff is better though for a fully-realistic flight experience.

I looked at Volanta but it did nothing for me and was just a distraction - the sim is on my larger gaming monitor and everything else on a smaller screen by the side so too much info just clutters everything up.

And just to REALLY upset the purists I use Jumpseat Radio to listen along to local radio stations when I’m flying through their area!

Skydemon on my iPAD mini because I got used to using it in the cockpit for VFR flying in RL. It works really well with MSFS.

And Navigraph Charts on my iPAD mini when I want to fly IFR.

May I humbly suggest Find My Plane for live flight tracking

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