Which graphics settings affect the aircraft (as opposed to terrain and weather)?

Hi guys,

Just upgraded my PC so I’m trying to adjust my settings to make the user aircraft look awesome without compromising the FPS boost I just got but I’m not sure which options affect it directly. I can live without the highest quality terrain or weather but my planes look a little pixelated and fixing that is priority #1 for me.

Any advice? Thanks!

At first it’s all about your configuration.
What kind of CPU, GPU you have. How powerfull are they.
Are you CPU bound or GPU bound?
And what resolution you want to run MSFS on.

If you are CPU bound.
Terrain, object lods, live weather, live air traffic are heavy CPU demanding.
Lower them and switch to manual weather and manual air traffic then you can high up your graphic settings. But only if your graphics card can handle that.

Ryzen 5 3600
Radeon RX 5700

Like I said, I would like to know which settings specifically affect what. Which ones are specifically for terrain are apparent but the aircraft not so much

What do you mean by pixelated? I guess the livery you use isnt in very high quality or reslution maybe?
There is basically no dedicated graphics setting that directly affects the visuals of the airplane.

Higher resolution and maximum anti-aliasing reduces the pixelation.

For in-game settings and performance look at,

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