Which Throttle to chose?

I have the Thrusmaster T1600 joystick, which is working perfectly, but as i started to fly the DC6, which is wonderful ! I would like to add a box to gain better control on engines mainly and also flaps, landing gear, etc…
Thrustmaster has one but i have also seen the Honeycomb Bravo which seems to be a very good Throttle box.

What would be your advice for me to add a throttle controller ?

Bravo ?

Depends on what you are willing to pay, i will buy precission flight controls, expensive but well worth it, i can then buy as many throttle addons that i need, but for now im using bravo throttle.

Honeycomb Bravo in my opinion!

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Yes Bravo looks like a very good one, regarding price, it seems to be at max price i would like to pay, especially now prices have gone upper…
I saw 400 Euros for a Bravo, but it seems to be more at 280 in normal times…

@CrazierChiefX1 when you say precision flight controls, what could be examples of those ?

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Got the Bravo and very happy with it. Not just the throttle but the AP control panel and the trim wheel all work really well, once you fiddle with the settings a bit.

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What do you fly? How do you fly?
Is MSFS2020 your only sim or do you also fly DCS/IL-2/Elite etc?

The hardware you chose will be largely informed by what you hope to do with it and this in turn depends a lot on what you play and what you fly in those games.

For MSFS2020 and also the prop driven warbirds you get in IL-2 a throttle quadrant like the Honeycomb bravo is actually a fairly good choice. Plenty of axes for throttle, mixture, prop pitch etc.

For jets and spacecraft a more military sim hotas type throttle like a TM TWCS, Virpil CM3, Wingwing or Warthog are good choices…but they can be somewhat limiting for props.

Also…do you have a 3d printer? Because lots of options now exist for self build. Just take a look at what Authentikit are doing with their open source designs! Amazing stuff. Really cheap too!

Get the Honeycomb Bravo. No contest!

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@somethingbrite MSFS is my only Sim, and up to now i haven’t any other game or sim on PC, and mostly i fly prop, not often jets
And yes i have a 3D printer, will give a look.

I hope there has been enough reasonable replies to blurt out “the one that goes to 11 mate!”

Thanks for your patience.

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For VR right? The Thrustmaster TWCS throttle assy nicely compliments your T.16000M joystick and, most importantly, has a multitude of easy to reach and easily differentiated switches, both essential for VR.

FWIW, I use the Thrustmaster FCS flight pack, which includes the Thrustmaster TWCS throttle assy, and it is excellent for VR flying. The only issue the throttle has is that it can be a bit sticky to move sometimes, but there is a screw that can be loosened to help it slide easier and the slide rails can be lubricated also.

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did knew this one !
maybe a bit over budget, but nice to know

When it comes to price / versatility ratio, the winner is undoubtedly the Honeycomb Bravo.
However, when using Bravo in VR, you have to remember that it is a large “piece of furniture”. Currently MSFS does not yet allow the use of controllers (only mice), but it will (hopefully) be possible in the future.
Then the dimensions make it a bit more difficult. I use Bravo in the X-Plane as well and would often prefer it to be a smaller build.
In addition, in VR you will not use annuntiators lights, and probably the AP function.
I looked at smaller and more precise throttle designs: Virtual-fly TQ6 or Digital Throttle Quadrant Console by Precysions Flight Control.
But they are targeted at a specific type of aircraft, and the Bravo provides excellent functionality from the C172 to turbo twin-engined planes to the B747.
And the price of Bravo is good for what it offers.
My 2 cents :wink:

Honeycomb bravo #1 very interested the that new turtle beach Xbox pc yoke and throttle coming out

I don’t think recommending something that hadn’t even been released yet, is a good move. Especially since the price is a little too good to be true.

hmmm, interesting, but your conclusion stills leads toward Bravo :slight_smile:
I like to change planes, from TBM, to DC6 or even anything below… so Bravo once again…
And between having nothing as of now, and having something, Bravo again is a very good step forward…
But, price now is not good, 400 € against 280 € normally… but who knows…

Very nice this new yoke and throttle… as i will wait a bit to see how prices of Bravo evolve, maybe they will release this one in meantime…
Thanks to all anyway for all your useful comments :slight_smile:

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