If you buy an airport on e.g. marketplace, until now you have to figure out runway numbers, taxiways and gates.
Especially taxiway data are hard to find. Jeppesen charts (if available) often not correspond with the delivered airport data. My only way is to use a Cessna on the ground, and write down all indications on the airport while traversing. Very time consuming in complex airports!
Instead of showing many useless pictures on market place, include the airport data if you try to sell…
Sorry, are you saying the airport scenery doesn’t correspond to the charts? That seems to defeat one of the purposes of buying sceneries, so that you have accurate taxiway markings.
Do you have an example?
What I mean, is that in my ebag I want to have correcty taxiway and gate data (graph) if I have just landed and get the taxiway route to my designated gate from ATC. For instance, Danang airport (Vietnam) in MSFS has different names / numbers then a Jeppesen chart. I admit I get this chart from internet and not from a paid Jeppesen contract. But it is so easy: the developers know what they have modelled!
If the airport taxiways don’t match Jeppesen charts, it’s more likely you are describing a Blackshark AI airport. All but the simplest airports are going to be wrong there i.e. if it has more than taxiway A its probably wrong.
So which airport scenery did you buy for Danang?
Dominique Design (market place: Danang (VVDN)
That’s a really good point.
Payware airports really should come with some data for that airport. Charts, runway data, approach aids and radio frequencies should be the minimum for any payware airport.
That would be a violation of the EULA.
Charts are not allowed to be redistributed without a licence, and to get a licenses would add a large amount to the cost.
We have actually ran into that here on the forums.
We were contacted by the charts issuer and had to have them removed by the poster.
It doesn’t need to be a copy of the Jepp/Lido/Navblue etc chart. You’re correct, copying these is a violation of the EULA.
It’s quite easy to make your own chart and a few of the details, especially as they have the airport layout from the scenery designer.
A great idea however it does cost in person hours which mean that it would cause the cost of the scenery to likely go up. There are a ton of free charts o line too if you don’t want to use Navigraph. Both NAVCanada and the FAA have free online charts. I don’t know about Europe or the rest of the world, but I sure you can find them. As a note Navigraph is soooooo worth the subscription…
And yes the Blackshark AI airport are awful for taxiway numbers (if even the taxi ways are correct).
A usable ground layout drawing of a typical 1-2 runway airport should be doable in one working day for a scenery developer. And even if it took two days it wouldn’t make much of a difference compared to the overall effort (usually).
According to simmarket comments the airport is well done and it costs almost 20€, a ground layout map for people without Navigraph account shouldn’t be a problem but it is absolutely not common standard.
In this case, if the chart doesn’t match the airport, I’d almost question the chart Anyway, if I enter “VVDN charts” into a well known search engine I get plenty of ground and approach charts, the first click was from 2016.
I like the idea if the charts and airport are correct. But isnt what you are asking for is an incorrect chart to go with your incorrect airport?
Just be aware also, as someone who’s been recently operating out of Danang, that most of the airports in Vietnam have undergone or are currently undergoing massive changes - construction everywhere, and surprisingly, ILS going into so many airports too. A lot of money being spent!
This scenery was correct when it was released, but there were already works beginning, so it won’t probably now be up to date with the current Jepps/Navigraph.
…which is why payware scenery should come with their own data. Then what you have matches the scenery.
Of course ideally the airports would be kept up to date with the current changes, but then you’d have those changes documented with the scenery update as well, if charts were included.
Well, I do not need the latest airport layout for simulation flying. At least I would like to have a correct map of the correct taxiways etc. with the product bought/delivered… For the simple airport Danang it has cost me 1 hour in MS-word to add the correct taxi ways etc., convert it to Acrobat and get it in my ebag…
But to find out which is which is the real problem. The modellers have this info…
LittleNavMap should work once it scans. It picks up the changes I’ve made on my airports.
I understand that it is an ICAO requirement for all published procedures, including airport charts to be available in the national AIP and that the AIP should be available digitally (eAIP). The eAIP should be kept up to date and any changes noted in AIC or NOTAM.
Not all countries have published an eAIP but lots have (pleased to find one for Nepal recently) and generally as @Ephedrin87 says a simple search will produce them. There is also ChartFox website which collates many of the AIP charts.
Some of the AIP airport charts are notably superior to the Jeppesen ones (best to taxi around Heathrow with the official UK chart as it has much more necessary detail than the Jeppesen one).
I’ve only come across one payware where the Taxiways differed from the chart which is KHPN (White Plains).
Some external software will scan your sim airports and import its data. I know LNM and P2A do it. And I think a few other EFB and career mode tools do as well.
This is fine and data will normally match up with what you have in the sim as long as you bought the airport scenery from a 3rd party store or the developer directly.
When buying the same scenery from the Marketplace, the BGL files which contain the taxiway and parking info are encrypted. So external apps aren’t able to read this data. Therefore it uses the autogen / default data, which more often than not, isn’t very accurate.
So if you’re using external tools that rely on reading the sim’s data, don’t buy stuff from the marketplace and you’ll be fine.
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