Why does one need an audio panel in the sim? In real life, sure, but in the sim when we’re alone and there’s only one person flying at a time and no co-pilot? I’m preparing my list of things to buy and I don’t know why I would need this.
If you’re doing VATSIM, it make sense, because you’re way faster changing frequencies with hardware instead of using the mouse.
That makes sense if you’re using a mouse. I’ll also go research VATSIM since I’m new at this but my doubt is because I’m making a list of items to buy for my mine and I see a lot of sims out there with dual G1000 and they have the extra $280 audio panel in the middle. Why not just buy the two G1000 where you can change freqs with buttons, why an audio panel between the two G1000?
An audio panel is useful to handle several COM radio. Basically in GA, COM1 for ATC com and COM2 for ATIS and any second monitoring freq, for example monitoring trafic advisory/unicom of your destination when you’re still in Flight Following.
PS: could be useful as well to listen to xm-radio
Some of us have our setups so we can fly completely mouse and keyboard free from cold and dark to shutdown. So having a radio stack assists in that.
Flying on VATSIM and PilotEdge we’re required to monitor frequencies so we have more than COM1 tuned and flipping between frequencies during handoffs.
Much easier.
I’m not 100% sure what you mean by audio panel, but if you include a radio stack in that, I just enjoy the immersion of actually dialing in the frequencies rather than using an in-sim menu which is immersion-breaking for me.
I’m a CFII and ATP so I know what the audio panel does in real life, I just couldn’t understand why it would be needed in the sim when it’s just one person. The reply about VATSIM, after I went and figured out what that was, makes sense now.
Thanks !
Yes, to me touching the knobs and switches instead of using a mouse is important, that’s why I’m buying the G1000 system, but the audio panel was a head scratcher until these recent answers clarified it for me.
Ah yeah, G1000 should have you covered for COM and NAV, right? I fly mostly old planes, but one of these days I hope to buy a physical G1000 sim unit as so many planes use it. And/or a GTN 750. Or both, if I win the lottery.
I’m buying the G1000 because they have everything, but that’s just for the sim.
In my Wilga I only have a G5. I also have an MGL and AOA, etc, but yeah, definitely no G1000 !!! Take a look Redirecting...
Woah, is that your Wilga? Looks awesome!
Yes, thanks. That video is on the FB page of my airport. There are other pictures and videos of my Wilga, a couple of them burning smoke on the ground and in the air !