Why are missing major airports not in the patch?

People use their sims to fly real world routes with virtual airlines or VATSIM etc. If airports like NZAA, the major airport of New Zealand is missing it is hardly fit for purpose. If that is the one that you need it is no consolation to say they have a few others in the sim.
They should have got the airport data from somewhere like Jepperson so if the satelite is not good enough a basic strip (does not need buildings if they do not want to impress their customers) with the ils details.


Anyone else noticed the growing army of “don’t dare critisise the sim” folk? What is up with that? People are allowed to point out flaws. Thats how we improve.


How do you know they’re not being put in the game?

We do not know. Microsoft have not considered its customers worth to give this information to.

Perhaps it’s the way in which the criticism is made that’s the problem. I have no issue with ‘constructive’ criticism myself, however people throwing their toys out of the pram and acting like demanding spoilt little kids that demand everything on a plate, right here and right now is another thing, especially the ones that are at an age where they could have kids themselves.

We’re in an age where flawed people demand perfection, and will scream and shout if they don’t get their way or they aren’t treated like Royalty or similar when Devs don’t respond to them personally or their issue, which in reality is anything but the most important thing on the list by a long stretch, goes unanswered.

So yes, there are times when ‘don’t care, criticise the sim’ is arguably the best response, however where the criticism is valid, measured and well evidenced, then people would be mugs to ignore it.


So what gives you the right to criticise people. Flawed people, just because their wants are not like yours.
Have a look in the mirror and you may see one of those flawed people.

The sim is fine but there were obvious flaws in the requirements stage of the development process and too much that mattered was left out. Then the paid release was rushed. how can you have fixed anything when the sim is released imediately after a bery short “beta” stage.

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Ok - so we point out that Bing has a process where governments can request parts of the satellite images to be hidden and therefore they naturally cannot include that in MSFS. But by stating this, we are just thought police that hinders your rightful demand that it should be included anyway as Google does not have the same functionality. You are naturally free to continue barking on any tree of your choosing. I think the right one is to call the commander of the US helicopter unit stationed there and demand that they contact Bing and cancel their request for removing Stuttgart Airport from Bing maps… Good luck with that.


There is nothing to stop you adding them in yourself, it’s not particularly difficult either, I’m hoping MSFS will eventually have a scenery gateway project like X-Plane, either managed by Asobo or a third party, but even without that freeware airports are a thing.


World update will target only a specific region, so no way all the missing airports will be added.

36K airport, not 70k.

No need to do this just go here
or look inn any Jepperson distribution or buy the mfrrom the authorisaed charts supplier for germany.
Charts are not secret, maybe something is there they would rather the public did not know about.

It’s Germany what do you expect. The country that doesn’t allow Uber, Street View etc etc

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i have been complaining about the airports since the beginning

their method is flawed because it only uses aerial imagery. they evidently have no backup method to create airports. no image, no airport. outdated image, outdated airport. etc. they aren’t going to magically appear with new imagery either. the 36000 airports are handmade so someone has to go in and trace the dimensions/boundaries from the image.

people are annoyed because this sim is supposed to be an improvement. it shouldn’t regress on a major function of a sim platform – functional airports. previous sims have these missing airports. you dont need aerial photos to make a functional airport.

its i little bit strange than bing make more about security than google… On Google you can see everything:)

One more big airbase disappeared: ETNS (Schleswig) Pos 54 27 34N 009 30 59E. ETNS is location as training base for Tornado pilots of German Airforce and really important. On the other hand the not anymore existing former Naval Air Base ETME (Eggebek) ist still available. Nice to leap into past but I want to fly today in real existing environment!

It’s weird to see how different each company (Google/Microsoft) censors their map data. Airports that are censored in MSFS are different from those in Google Maps. However, reading from this news, it seems blurring civilian airports is a thing after 9/11.

Couple examples,

Many people like to fly from an airport they live close by. It is such a SHAME when this airport is missing. What’s worse is the fact that the missing airport is replaced with nothing (soil texture) AND that this nothing is recognized by the smart trigger AND it can be seen/located on the VFR map. Personally it kills my immersion. This is not a complete product, it’s a fact.

So what you’re essentially saying is that you’re okay with things as long as they’re presented in a way that meets your approval and lofty requirements. That makes you no better than the people whom you’re criticizing. You’re complaining about complaining! :joy:

Would it not be better to realize that with 7 billion people on the planet there will be differences in the way that humans express themselves? Also wouldn’t it be better to understand that anger, disappointment, and sadness are legitimate emotions and expressed differently. Instead of posting that those people don’t meet YOUR approval, why don’t instead go out of the way to understand why THEY’RE not happy. Some people take things in stride, some people don’t but when we attempt to place our way of doing things over other’s, that makes us worse than the people we’re criticizing.

It’s easy to point at others. It’s really hard to turn that finger back on ourselves.

Its a pity that something along the lines of Wed doesnt exist for FS with the ability to add new airports and mod existing ones. I could do a lot to improve my local airport but I gather it isnt possible to mod the stock airports. A missed opportunity for community input that is.

In the case of Svalbard, the satellite imagery there appears to be very low resolution. I can’t even make out the airport, and neither (probably) could the AI that scanned Bing.

Vágar airport is a little better, but still low resolution and blurry in Bing Maps.

The Vágar airport in Apple Maps is high resolution and very detailed.

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