Why are missing major airports not in the patch?

Here are two airports I’ve stumbled across (without specifically looking) that literally don’t exist. I wanted to fly here but can’t, the airport’s aren’t in the game at all. And they aren’t exactly minor grass strip runways. These are reasonably sized commercial airports that handle large passenger jets.

Ok so this was missed. (I really don’t understand how because they have been in every previous sim but ok…) But why are they not being put in the game? And seeing as how these are two I found on accident, I wonder how many others are missing around the world?

I don’t have a quotation, but as for as i know microsoft doesn’t plan to add most of the missing airports in the new future and leaves it for the 3rd party developers to create them (and for us to pay them).

So the people who live in the Faroe islands just have to live with not having an airport…like forever?? Because I can assure you 3rd party Devs won’t be in a hurry to make an airport there.


Because I can assure you 3rd party Devs won’t be in a hurry to make an airport there.

Well, MK Studios has made an addon EKVG airport for P3D, so they already have the models and textures, so we just need to wait for them to port it over to MSFS2020


And aerosoft had one made for Svalbard

Further, MS/Asobo has confirmed they’ll bring free world updates for the sim. So, there’s a good chance these airports could be added then



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But addon airports should replace exsisting, default airports. Not be a case of “Sorry, you don’t get an airport period unless you pay extra”.


Didn’t MS promising/ advertising every single airport and even airstrip would be included in FS?


I understand them missing the odd jungle airstrip. But these a major airports with significant international jet liner traffic.


If this is the case it is a game changer. I expect at least the same number of airports as in the other sims. I fly on virtual airlines on defined flights and expect the main world airports to be there. I can forgive those that are new in the past year not being included but a default airport should be provided for all airports in the Jepperson database. It need only be a strip correctly alligned but it should be there.

Take a look at BingMaps. Unfortunately, the pixelated airport is not included because the software does not recognize it. So Bing Maps has to remove the pixelation. I have Tried Report a Problem to Bing at Feedback below. Let’s see if it works.

To understand. There is Patch, World Update and Sim Update. World Update contains Bing update\new airports modelled and activity.

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The reason that they are pixellated in Bing is that the government of that country has requested them to be “removed” from Bing maps due to sequrity concerns. Sure - the military enemies have their own satellite images - but not IS or other terrorist organizations. So the airports that this is done for are normally the combined civilian / military ones. But it’s not Bings decision to pixelate them.

And then naturally MSFS has to respect the same request and not render them in the game. Major airports like Stuttgart are mil/civ and pixellated in Bing - and therefore not in MSFS…


Maybe thats the case at Stuttgart ( i dont see the point anyway as its all avaliblwe at google maps).

But my two examples It’s just down to low resolution images being avalible. There is no pixilation on Google maps. It’s just poor images being avalible on Bing.

EDDS is missing. And that is an important AIRPORT. AIRPORT, not AIRSTRIP. Close to (where edds should be) in the other hand is an small AIRSTRIP (Gliders, proppelers) EDTQ as long to another small airstrips. So EDDS should not be an option but a mandatory include of the next updates.


Read by post above. EDDS is unfortunately pixellated so either the German government or the US helicopter detachment at EDDS has requested it to be “removed”. Look at Bing maps. So if Bing maps has accepted that request it would be odd to get satellite images from some other source for MSFS? If I was the authority that contacted Microsoft to remove it from Bing, I would not appreciate Microsoft adding it to MSFS that is based on Bing?

And yes - it is odd that Google has high res satellite images of it, do not know how they handle requests like this and it kind of makes the Bing pixallation useless.


Alas it’s pointless. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.6904906,9.2122115,2864m/data=!3m1!1e3

You know, you can add your airport that is missing with the SDK probably

But - as Bing has the policy to respect government requests to remove high res satellite images for security reasons, how should they handle it in MSFS? Say that as Google anyway shows your airport we ignored your request for MSFS and not for Bing maps?

Yes, but it’s not what MS has promised. “All major airports included”. EDDS is an major airport. Im not talking by a hand made airport as EDDF. But at least some auto generated like KEYW (which is not to bad by the way. Not really accurat, but recognizable)

10 years of development, TEN, and yet people cry because the first patch doesn’t include what they want #FacePalm. Get some patience please.


You‘ve got like 70‘000+ airports worldwide, all of them manually refined, and 40 of them handcrafted. Besides that you get to fly to the ENTIRE WORLD in a never before seen visual quality (not on that scale! And NO clouds in ANY computer game have ever looked so good!) - and you seriously complain about a few missing airports (yeah, I know: Stuttgart in Germany is also one of them) two weeks into the launch, like „mimimimi“?!

Give us a break.

UPDATE: okay, so there are „only“ 36‘000 airports - sorry, I counted them wrongly :wink: