Why are the glass instruments so bland?

Almost everything in this simulator looks great apart from one thing - the glass instruments. I can’t help but feel that they just insert a second window inside the frame of the display. It doesn’t look like a display would look in real life.


This is the new Carenado PC-12 in MSFS.


This is the same aircraft in X-Plane 11.

Why is the otherwise graphically mediocre X-Plane 11 looking so much better and real when it comes to the instruments? This is the case in most aircraft with glass displays in MSFS, they look artificial.


Oh really another Carenado aircraft was released?
Woooah epic my next purchase will be that Beechcraft Bonanza V35 - and this is a Pilatus PC-12 right?
Two new Carenados what a wonderful day!!!

Uh heading over to YouTube now watching some reviews about this plane!

Eh what was the question, why the glass cockpit instruments look so bland? I assume you mean the artificial horizon?
Remember, only the Fenix has purest LCD TFT perfection with real pixel and real moire-effect when panning the camera while watching at these hyperrealistic displays, all other airplanes have just a fake display :smiley:
Only the Fenix is purest TFT retro beauty, celebrating the Y2K LCD-pixel.
All other airplanes have simulated glass cockpits that look more or less “game-like” and not like a camera filming inside a real cockpit with very sophisticated visual shaders and effects.

Not just the artificial horizon, all the other glass instruments too. The sun hitting the instruments has almost no effect in comparison to X-Plane 11.


I do agree, glass instruments need graphical improvements, they do not look like the real ones.
May I dare to say that even some analog ones look too flat, there is no feeling of a glass on them.


To be honest… that X-Plane HSI looks nothing like a real-life glass instrument would look like either, unless the brightness was set way too low…

Instrument screen brightness should have the ability to be increased much more in both MSFS and X-Plane.



Don’t know what you fly but when the sun shines on a glass cockpit things are visible but they look quite dim. IRL. Just like that xplane screenshot.

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Hmm maybe some cockpit-raytracing would spice up the graphics quality inside the cockpits significantly?
With having the seats slightly being illuminated at night from the LCD screens, having the sun reflect the cockpit realistically on the glass surfaces over analogue instruments and stuff?
RTX always on might be the solution to bring the cockpits even more to life-like visual quality.


This is from the MD-80. Again it looks like the displays are pop-out windows that are pasted onto the panel. It’s hard to explain what’s off about them but they just don’t look real.

And here is the same aircraft in X-Plane 11. It just looks so much better.


Looks to me like the MSFS instruments lack detail and shadow that the XP11 versions have hence looking a bit flat and unrealistic.

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I agree. Even Carenado who are so hyped for their visuals can’t even make a glass display in MSFS look half as good as in X-Plane 11.

Actually I find the instruments in the FS shots far easier to read than the XP instruments. Seriously, what are you on?

Not sure what you’re talking about. I’m comparing the glass displays in the two sims and I am disappointed in the way MSFS looks in that department. I have never used X-Plane, I’m not a part of that community.

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Perhaps, but they look nothing like the real thing. If you want to discuss readability this thread is not the intended place for that.

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It is not about how easy it is to read, it is about how realistic it looks…and the two things don’t necessarily go hand in hand.

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Must be me… because I don’t really see any difference between those 2 pics.

on the xp version there is even dust particles on the glass appearing in foreground of the displays, no such thing on the msfs version, among other things…

Look at the pics of the MD-80 I posted a little later.

ahhh now I see. thank you.

The kodiak has what looks like streaks/cleaning marks and fingerprints on the screens

It feels to me like the panels have a very matte coating, and don’t reflect as they might be expected to. Even when off they just appear very basic in terms of shading.

The glass covers over analogue instruments on the other hand appear to be rendered ok. I dunno whether the glass instruments are deliberately different to make them more readable, or if it’s a technical reason due to the way that the screens themselves are rendered.

I just grabbed this image from a random youtube video and the glossy coating of the screen is very obvious. That’s what ‘ties’ it into the rest of the cockpit, and also what appears to be completely absent in MSFS…


As for the XP11 examples, the dust is a nice touch but whether that’s more realistic is obviously very subjective. Personally I think it’s OTT. Also, the difference between direct and indirect lighting seems stronger than it should be, illuminated panels (try it with your phone in sunlight) don’t show shadows with that much contrast.